R. Gregory Christie

R. Gregory Christie

I am an award winning children's book illustrator of over 50 books and the owner of GAS-ART GIFTS in North DeKalb Mall located in Decatur, Ga. www.gas-art.com

Decatur, GA
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  • Decatur
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R. Gregory Christie
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R. Gregory Christie
1 장소 업데이트됨
1곳의 장소 North DeKalb Mall 포함
    "R. Gregory Christie's "GAS-ART GIFTS" (Gregarious Art Statements) is an autographed children's bookstore (Ross entrance) offering art classes, stationery and SIGNED kid's books! www.gas-art.com"
    R. Gregory ChristieR. Gregory Christie · 3월 27, 2014
    · 디케이터, 미국