Rajan Sampath

Bangalore, Karnātaka
  • 1개의 팁
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  • 2 리스트
Rajan 님의 다음 도시 내 리스트: 모든 도시
  • Bangalore
  • 모든 도시
Rajan의 상위권 도시
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Rajan 님은 아직 팔로워가 없습니다.
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    "The best brewery in the city. They have amazing beers and food. Its not just amazing but sooper stunning with 6 floors of ecstasy. Everytime i go there its only fun. Servie is also great. Must visit."
    Rajan Sampath · 6월 19, 2017
    맥주 양조장
    · 벵갈루루, 인도