The Rabidcat

The Rabidcat


talespinner / beer drinker / owned by a clowder of cats

Cebu City
  • 38개의 팁
  • 66명의 팔로워
  • 63명의 팔로잉
  • 2 리스트
The 님의 다음 도시 내 리스트: 모든 도시
  • Volpago del Montello
  • Cebu City
  • 모든 도시
The의 상위권 도시
Volpago del Montello
1 Tip
Cebu City
31 Tips
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The Rabidcat
0 장소 업데이트됨
0개의 장소
The Rabidcat
38 장소 업데이트됨
38곳의 장소 Beqaa, Bugsay Bar, Little Saigon Big Bangkok, Ristorante Al Chianti 포함
    The 님의 최근 팁
    "As of this posting, they serve tamarind clams on sundays. Must-try. No really, you have to try the tamarind clams."
    The RabidcatThe Rabidcat · 8월 3, 2014
    베트남 음식
    · Cebu City, 필리핀
    "Good for groups or solo dining. Small or large servings available. Reasonable prices. For starters, taste the pad thai, for which they're known. Try the green juice as well, very refreshing."
    The RabidcatThe Rabidcat · 8월 3, 2014
    베트남 음식
    · Cebu City, 필리핀
    "The blond lady who works there - such a a character. Very genuine, and has a wonderfully hearty laugh. Makes you feel very light"
    The RabidcatThe Rabidcat · 6월 11, 2014
    이탈리아 음식
    · Volpago del Montello, 이탈리아
    "Register your pet for a fee of P150, and have them dewormed, spayed/neutered and injected with anti rabies for free"
    The RabidcatThe Rabidcat · 5월 21, 2014
    애완동물 서비스
    · 필리핀
    "This place only looks fancy but there's a lot of pretending going on in most of the food places where you dont get value for your money with the food and the interiors look tacky."
    The RabidcatThe Rabidcat · 5월 1, 2014
    · Cebu City, 필리핀
    "The servings are big. For two people, you might want to opt for an appetizer and a main dish. The grillmix, especially, will fill you up big time. Wonderfully done too"
    The RabidcatThe Rabidcat · 4월 19, 2014
    아메리칸 다이너
    · 필리핀