Samantha Gray-Proyrungtong

Samantha Gray-Proyrungtong


Bangkok, Thailand
  • 8개의 팁
  • 140명의 팔로워
  • 0명의 팔로잉
  • 3 리스트
Samantha 님의 다음 도시 내 리스트: 모든 도시
  • Bangkok
  • 모든 도시
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Samantha Gray-Proyrungtong
7 장소 업데이트됨 8월 10, 2021
Organic Groceries in Bangkok with physicals locations & delivery service supplying healthy or artisanal products, organic fruit, eggs, vegetables, bread, cheese, ham, cold cuts, beef, pork, seafood.
Samantha Gray-Proyrungtong
0 장소 업데이트됨
0개의 장소
Samantha Gray-Proyrungtong
1 장소 업데이트됨
1곳의 장소 VIVIN Grocery 포함
    Samantha 님의 최근 팁
    "Focus on healthy menus from raw materials from their certified organic farm or farmers of Sookjai Foundation. Selling products from natural ingredients, such as soap, shampoo, lip balm and inhaler."
    유기농 식료품점
    · วัฒนา, 태국
    "Local, organic vegetables, Artisanal Thai cheese, cold cuts, bread, pastry, baguettes, jam, milk, wine, ham, sandwiches, duck confit, cheese charcuterie board, platter, Apero Box, foie gras, caviar"
    · วัฒนา, 태국
    "Sloane's famous for their local Thai butchery and artisan products; pork, sausage, cold cuts, pies, sauces, poultry and rubs, bacon and more . Sub brands are Bo.lan and Scarletta pasta."
    · 방콕, 태국
    "A Japanese expat favourite, imported and local chemical-free products. Vegetables like Japanese sweet potatoes, pumpkin, fruit, salad seasoning, sauces, baked breads, vinegar dressing and more."
    유기농 식료품점
    · วัฒนา, 태국
    "organic grocery with a focus on seed and grains, supplements, snacks, bread, oils, mum and baby products, dip and spreads, dried nuts and fruit, refill, powder and bakery, home care, body care."
    건강 음식점
    · Bangkok, 태국
    "Lemon Farm Healthy Kitchen ready-to-eat food that uses natural ingredients without MSG & organic cosmetics, seafood, eggs, rice, vegetables. The shop does not sell soft drinks. alcoholic beverages."
    유기농 식료품점
    · 태국