13 장소 업데이트됨 11월 3, 2018
13곳의 장소 U Budovce, Café MODI, Barry Higgel's coffeehouse, Ambiente Pizza Nuova 포함
3 장소 업데이트됨 6월 2, 2018
3곳의 장소 Pizza Me #1 / La Pizza di Mamma Sophia, VegaCity, Belvárosi Disznótoros 포함
94 장소 업데이트됨
94곳의 장소 Forno d’Oro, Casanova, La Finestra, Laurentina, O Rei do Bacalhau 포함
43 장소 업데이트됨
43곳의 장소 PLUS Prague Hostel, Jégbüfé, Azad Art Gallery | گالری طراحان آزاد, Pizzeria Florida 포함
Sepehr의 목록Sepehr 님이 만든 리스트Sepehr 님이 팔로우한 리스트
"Perfect roman pizza. It is cheap and you can choose from different types. Friendly and patient stuff."
"Wonderful pasta and raviolli with reasonable price. It is not a Restaurant but there are some places to sit. Salads are not recommandable."
"Good ice cream. It is cheap and you can get free cream on top. A huge variance of flavours. However cone is the worst one."
"Awsome pizza. It is really tasty. The ambient is also good and special. It is crowded."
"Good atmosphere without making you nervous. Really clean expect the bathrooms! If you're gonna stay long and wanna sleep in quiet zone, take a blanket from the airplane ;)"
"يكى از بهترين كتابفروشى ها براى كتاب هاى زبانه على الخصوص زبان هاى غيرانگليسى. معمولا فروشنده ها هم راهنمايى هاى خوبى ميكنن."