"Hmph... This is my favorite place larhx... xD"
· Kota Kinabalu, 말레이시아
6.5"Hmph... I work at here... That's why I always check in here... Suria is the best larhx... Ahaks... xD"
· Kota Kinabalu, 말레이시아
7.4"Hmph.... Ehe... My safe paradise...! #yiak3#"
"Hmph... Haha... Chill place.. :3"
· Kota Kinabalu, 말레이시아
7.0"Hmph... Soto daging and rojak baru num 1...! xD"
인도네시아 음식
· Kota Kinabalu, 말레이시아
6.8"Hmph... Wow...! Keep pawned here de player...! Ahaks...! Got Maggie and soya bean...! Fantastic...! ^^v"