


There are some cool sites out there that help guide us around the city. Yelp with reviews. Foursquare lets us know where are friends are at. Thrillist covers some cool places. What we're wondering is, what makes Philly Philly? When you come to this city, how do you really get a feel for it? This page is our best shot at a guide that will have you feeling like Rocky before his rise through the ranks of Club Lang and Ivan Drago. Hopefully enjoy? That sound confident at all?

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11 장소 업데이트됨 2월 26, 2012
11곳의 장소 Monk's Cafe, Reading Terminal Market, John's Roast Pork, Philadelphia's Magic Gardens 포함
1 장소 업데이트됨
1곳의 장소 Reading Terminal Market 포함
0 장소 업데이트됨
0개의 장소
    Stoupons 님의 최근 팁
    "You ever meet someone who knows so much about what your talking about you eventually just shutup and admire? That's Monks and Beer. This isn't just a drinking experience, it's a learning experience."
    StouponsStoupons · 2월 26, 2012
    고급 술집
    · 필라델피아, 미국
    "You can probably just mix this into the Linc/Citizens Bank/Well visit, but you gotta get the crab fries. Prices can run well over the cost of your ticket and were STILL saying it's worth it."
    StouponsStoupons · 2월 26, 2012
    스포츠 바
    · 필라델피아, 미국
    "For the sports fans who wanna know what Philly ball is all about..If you can, treat yourself to a Big 5 game at the Palestra. So much history and great in-city rivalries...goosebumps"
    StouponsStoupons · 2월 26, 2012
    · 필라델피아, 미국
    "A bit outside the city with plenty of bars, shops and restaurants big and small to snack in. Why is it worth coming here? We're not really sure. Just, if your young, your hormones feel at home here."
    StouponsStoupons · 2월 26, 2012
    · 필라델피아, 미국
    "We're only picking ONE cheesesteak place...and it tis Jim's. Yes you'll get your "I went to Philly" cheesesteak, but it also has some great seating and eye candy on the walls when it's not packed."
    StouponsStoupons · 2월 26, 2012
    샌드위치 가게
    · 필라델피아, 미국
    "All jokes aside the Gardens do a great job summing up a lot of the culture in Philly. Some things in that garden that are literally unbelievable. As in I can't find words to describe it on here."
    StouponsStoupons · 2월 26, 2012
    · 필라델피아, 미국