SurfSup Bermuda

SurfSup Bermuda


Hamilton, Hamilton
  • 3개의 팁
  • 4명의 팔로워
  • 0명의 팔로잉
  • 2 리스트
SurfSup 님의 다음 도시 내 리스트: 모든 도시
  • Charlotte
  • 모든 도시
SurfSup의 상위권 도시
1 Tip
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SurfSup Bermuda
9 장소 업데이트됨
9곳의 장소 Playa Guiones, La Luna, Burgers and Beers, The Restaurant and Bar at The Gilded Iguana 포함
SurfSup Bermuda
2 장소 업데이트됨
2곳의 장소 Red Laser, House of India 포함
    "The chefs do a good show.Basically chicken steak and shrimp cooked in front if you in soy sauce. Apart from the soy sauce it was pretty tasteless. I think you go for the show not the food."
    SurfSup BermudaSurfSup Bermuda · 12월 2, 2016
    일본 음식
    · 샬럿, 미국
    "Best prices and service on computer equipment and gadgets in Bermuda"
    SurfSup BermudaSurfSup Bermuda · 2월 24, 2016
    · 버뮤다
    "A friend from India says it is the second best Indian restaurant outside of India. The first is Gaylords in London according to him."
    SurfSup BermudaSurfSup Bermuda · 12월 30, 2015
    인도 음식
    · Hamilton, 버뮤다