


It is our philosophy about the dining experience that had led us to open Tapéo29. We really wanted to make it a culinary, social and a cultural experience that will transcend our patrons into a different mood. Tapéo29 is a Spanish Tapas\Wine bar, we opened in one of the most happening and diverse neighborhoods of NYC today: The Lower East Side. Located right on Clinton St, the warm décor and the accompanying Spanish pop and flamenco music create this free spirit, fun, friendly, social, yet intimate, romantic and cozy atmosphere. Tapéo29 offers an eclectic menu that cherishes the tradition of Tapéo, Tapas and the Spanish kitchen. Keeping this in mind, and sticking to the core value of “Good simple flavorful food” we decided to leave some creative freedom that would reflect the NYC palate and pace. The extensive wine list from Spain, Portugal, Chile, Argentina, and many others was hand picked to pair with our food to provide a true culinary, social, enriching, one of a kind experience.

29 Clinton St, Manhattan, NY
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