Tawnye Moore

Tawnye Moore

Phoenix, AZ
  • 6개의 팁
  • 24명의 팔로워
  • 8명의 팔로잉
  • 2 리스트
Tawnye 님의 다음 도시 내 리스트: 모든 도시
  • Phoenix
  • Tempe
  • 모든 도시
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Tawnye Moore
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Tawnye Moore
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0개의 장소
    "How can you beat a $5 footlong on a college student budget? Trick question; you can't!"
    Tawnye MooreTawnye Moore · 4월 22, 2010
    샌드위치 가게
    · 피닉스, 미국
    "Picking up my cap & gown for graduation and reminding you to as well if you haven't! Tempe ASU bookstore sells them so that you don't have to order them online!!"
    Tawnye MooreTawnye Moore · 4월 22, 2010
    대학 서점
    · 템피, 미국
    "Gotta love Target... it's the only place I can find my "black ice" air fresheners! I sincerely suggest you pick some up from here if you are an avid scent person like myself!"
    Tawnye MooreTawnye Moore · 4월 22, 2010
    대형 매장
    · 템피, 미국
    "FYI: there is a Starbucks in the Target at the Tempe Marketplace and I already knew this therefore I completed wasted 10 minutes of precious morning time stoping at a diff Starbucks on the way."
    Tawnye MooreTawnye Moore · 4월 22, 2010
    대형 매장
    · 템피, 미국
    "Went to Cue Club last night after 3 hours of library time and I must recommend the long islands if you have never had one from there... huge and only $3!!"
    Tawnye MooreTawnye Moore · 4월 22, 2010
    · 템피, 미국
    "Nothing like a good cup o' joe to get your day started right! Any other caffeine lovers out there should try an extra shot of espresso at Starbucks... It's delicious if you like your coffee strong!!"
    Tawnye MooreTawnye Moore · 4월 22, 2010
    · 템피, 미국