"Un vrai taxi londrien est moins cher que les minicab taxis d'Addison Lee et le taximans connaissent super bien Londres"
"Ne prenez pas les mini cab taxis d'addison Lee. Ils sont supercheres. Il y a une file de taxis classiques juste a l'egress de la gare qui coutent la moitié"
"This is the coldest place in London. That wind whips in off the river"
"Heavy shopping? There's a cabrank by the middle carpark. Get to it from the stairs next to Aspinall's, in the middle of the main shopping level"
"There's a taxi rank on the middle car park level that usually seems to be pretty well serviced"
"Got to be one of the easiest places to hail a taxi in London. No point in booking a car, I just step outside. Never waited longer than 2 mins"