Tech by Beto

Tech by Beto


TechByBeto: Descascando a Maçã - Blog de Tecnologia e Mundo Apple para Brasileiros. Canal da APP SCHOOL BRASIL, a sala de aula virtual de aplicativos Mac & iOS :: My Blog on Apple technology for Brazilians. Virtual classroom of Mac and iOS Apps. And some tips for the Tech Traveler in São Paulo, Brazil.

São Paulo, Brasil
  • 9개의 팁
  • 1,128명의 팔로워
  • 0명의 팔로잉
  • 2 리스트
  • 2 위치
Tech by Beto 님의 다음 도시 내 리스트: 모든 도시
  • São Paulo
  • 모든 도시
Tech by Beto의 상위권 도시
São Paulo
11 Tips
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Tech by Beto 님은 아직 아무도 팔로우하지 않았습니다.
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Tech by Beto
2 장소 업데이트됨
2곳의 장소 App School Brasil, App School Brasil 포함
Tech by Beto
1 장소 업데이트됨
1곳의 장소 App School Brasil 포함
    Tech by Beto 님의 최근 팁
    "Apple & Social Media Training"
    Tech by BetoTech by Beto · 9월 18, 2011
    · 상파울루, 브라질
    "Developing Venture Capital & Private Equity Projects in Brazil"
    Tech by BetoTech by Beto · 4월 20, 2011
    벤처 기업
    · 상파울루, 브라질
    "My favorite mall in the city by far. Great stores and restaurants, the best 3D movie theater, and very, very green! The small park on the roof is as pleasant as it gets, with a new view of Sao Paulo."
    Tech by BetoTech by Beto · 4월 17, 2011
    · 상파울루, 브라질
    "The perfect balance between barbecue and finesse. Either for a business meal or a family gathering, this is the place. Service is premium, and the region is one of Sao Paulo’s finest. Great piano bar."
    Tech by BetoTech by Beto · 4월 17, 2011
    스테이크 전문점
    · 상파울루, 브라질
    "Long story, short: our Central Park. You got the idea. A must do for outdoors lovers."
    Tech by BetoTech by Beto · 4월 11, 2011
    · 상파울루, 브라질
    "When visiting São Paulo, this is a must do if you're a soccer enthusiast. The multimedia content available to the visitors make the experience both real and virtual. Thursday visits are free. Do it!"
    Tech by BetoTech by Beto · 4월 11, 2011
    · 상파울루, 브라질