Thikshan Arulampalam

Thikshan Arulampalam


New York, NY
  • 2개의 팁
  • 25명의 팔로워
  • 17명의 팔로잉
  • 2 리스트
Thikshan 님의 다음 도시 내 리스트: 모든 도시
  • New York
  • 모든 도시
Thikshan의 상위권 도시
New York
2 Tips
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Thikshan Arulampalam
0 장소 업데이트됨
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Thikshan Arulampalam
7 장소 업데이트됨
7곳의 장소 Kopi Kopi, NYU Skirball Center for Performing Arts, Bangkok 2 Thai, Sigiri Sri Lankan Cuisine 포함
    "The Duck dishes are fantastic. It is hard to choose if it's the tamarin duck or the curry duck. The Tamarin duck is fried to perfection crisp and crunchy on the outside nice and soft inside."
    Thikshan ArulampalamThikshan Arulampalam · 4월 12, 2014
    태국 음식
    · 뉴욕, 미국
    "Look at the caterpillar bench to the left as you enter. Pay specific attention to the legs"
    Thikshan ArulampalamThikshan Arulampalam · 3월 15, 2014
    · 뉴욕, 미국