Topsy Shackleford

Topsy Shackleford

Lakeland, FL
  • 5개의 팁
  • 8명의 팔로워
  • 2명의 팔로잉
  • 2 리스트
Topsy 님의 다음 도시 내 리스트: 모든 도시
  • Lakeland
  • 모든 도시
Topsy의 상위권 도시
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Topsy Shackleford
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Topsy Shackleford
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0개의 장소
    "Ask for the buffalo chicken pizza, or the cheeseburger one!- they're not on the menu, but theres no problem making them and omg they are delicious."
    Topsy ShacklefordTopsy Shackleford · 4월 23, 2011
    · 레이클랜드, 미국
    "I would advise against moving in here if you like privacy and good neighbors. Signing this lease was the biggest mistake of our lives so far."
    Topsy ShacklefordTopsy Shackleford · 3월 4, 2011
    집 (비공개)
    · 레이클랜드, 미국
    "Great prices, good tanning in a really comfortable environment, plus the girls that work there are really cute and friendly."
    Topsy ShacklefordTopsy Shackleford · 3월 4, 2011
    선탠 살롱
    · 레이클랜드, 미국
    "All the pizzas here are f*<king delicious but the king has to be BBQ chicken pizza w/ out the onions. Theyve got a great staff, and a super clean kitchen too :D!!"
    Topsy ShacklefordTopsy Shackleford · 3월 4, 2011
    · 레이클랜드, 미국
    "Share a blunt with your neighbors."
    Topsy ShacklefordTopsy Shackleford · 3월 3, 2011
    집 (비공개)
    · 레이클랜드, 미국