Take advantage of the free lockers and store away your valuables if you don't want them to get soaked. Chances of getting wet on this ride are HIGH! So fun!
You will most definitely get wet and probably get soaked - try riding in the morning. This whole area is beautiful though & worth riding just to see all the waterfalls and geysers.
Great ride on a hot day. Total crapshoot as to who gets wet and how much. If you have closed toed shoes on, pick up your feet as the drains are the worst culprit in getting you wet.
Keep your stuff dry by storing them in the FREE lockers behind the Recreation building (where they shill the Disney Vacation Club). 2 hour free storage.
You might not care if you get soaked, but what about your backpack or handbag...don't they have your cell phone or camera inside? I always get a shopping bag from nextdoor to put my bag in.