Wine School

Wine School

Wine classes, Somm programs and tastings

Philadelphia, PA 19119
  • 10개의 팁
  • 318명의 팔로워
  • 686명의 팔로잉
  • 2 리스트
Wine 님의 다음 도시 내 리스트: 모든 도시
  • Philadelphia
  • 모든 도시
Wine의 상위권 도시
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Wine School
1 장소 업데이트됨
1곳의 장소 Meme 포함
Wine School
34 장소 업데이트됨
34곳의 장소 Wine School Events, Jet Wine Bar, Bob's Diner, Peju Province Winery 포함
    Wine 님의 최근 팁
    "Great for private wine events!"
    Wine SchoolWine School · 2월 27, 2020
    이벤트 서비스
    · 필라델피아, 미국
    "Over the top and that's what I love about it. Somm Henry Greenly is great. Winner of the Sommelier Smackdown!"
    Wine SchoolWine School · 1월 5, 2014
    스테이크 전문점
    · 필라델피아, 미국
    "The wine flights are a "must" here. A gorgeous place to taste wine."
    Wine SchoolWine School · 1월 5, 2014
    와인 바
    · 필라델피아, 미국
    "Owned by a WSoP alumni Jill Weber, this wine bar in Graduate Hospital is an awesome spot for those seeking out eclectic wines."
    Wine SchoolWine School · 1월 5, 2014
    와인 바
    · 필라델피아, 미국
    "Make sure to check out the wine list here. It features Decibel Wines from NZ, where WSoP Alumni Dan Brennan is the winemaker."
    Wine SchoolWine School · 1월 5, 2014
    · 필라델피아, 미국
    "If you don't see a class you were looking for, just shoot them an email, they often keep a few tickets to the side for folks who can't plan two months ahead for a wine class."
    Wine SchoolWine School · 8월 13, 2013
    직업 훈련 학교
    · 필라델피아, 미국