8 장소 업데이트됨
8곳의 장소 Frankenstorm Apocalypse - Hurricane Sandy, 401 Diner, Tom "Pumkin" Scott's Patch, Highmark Stadium 포함
69 장소 업데이트됨
69곳의 장소 Historic Atlantic City RR Pedestrian Overpass, Sterling Hill Mine Tour & Museum, Yankeedabbler Hobbies, Bar X 포함
Drew의 목록Drew 님이 만든 리스트Drew 님이 팔로우한 리스트
"Double check you car cards when departing Lehighton."
"Sunscreen! Wear sunscreen."
"Everything on the menu is great but the service can be painfully s-l-o-w at times."
"Don't accept signals and and instructions during backing moves from Lady Di Scott - bird feeders suffer!!"
"The poblano burrito is excellent."
"The coin counter will short change you! Always!!"