Gay bars - SF

1. 1772 Market Street

1772 Market St (at Octavia Blvd.), 샌프란시스코, CA
이벤트 공간 · SoMa · 18개의 팁과 리뷰

ManhuntManhunt: Tip: Have a cheap Pabst and try the BBQ. Waitstaff is cool, and it's got an interesting gay biker layout.

Toad Hall is one of Gay bars - SF.

2. Toad Hall

4146 18th St (btwn Castro & Collingwood), 샌프란시스코, CA
게이바 · Castro · 61개의 팁과 리뷰

ManhuntManhunt: At 4:30, 2 for 1 drinks start. Awesome value, but have a designated drunk wrangler.

QBar is one of Gay bars - SF.

3. QBar

456 Castro St (btwn Market & 18th St), 샌프란시스코, CA
게이바 · Castro · 80개의 팁과 리뷰

ManhuntManhunt: Wednesdays nights are Booty Call, which is a don't miss.

Badlands is one of Gay bars - SF.

4. Badlands

4121 18th St (btwn Castro & Collingwood), 샌프란시스코, CA
게이바 · Castro · 88개의 팁과 리뷰

ManhuntManhunt: A well-informed source tells us that this is the most popular bar in the Castro. It must be for a good reason!

Lookout is one of Gay bars - SF.

5. Lookout

3600 16th St (at Market St), 샌프란시스코, CA
게이바 · Duboce Triangle · 64개의 팁과 리뷰

ManhuntManhunt: Sundays is Jock, hence - hot jocks (Manhunt is usually part of the event). Awesome views, and delicious cocktails.

440 Castro is one of Gay bars - SF.

6. 440 Castro

440 Castro St (btwn Market & 18th), 샌프란시스코, CA
게이바 · Castro · 84개의 팁과 리뷰

ManhuntManhunt: $2 Tuesdays....ANY BEER ON TAP FOR $2! Note the caps!

7. Powerhouse

1347 Folsom St (at Dore Alley), 샌프란시스코, CA
게이바 · SoMa · 27개의 팁과 리뷰

ManhuntManhunt: Yes, that is a man tied up. Do we need to paint you a (kinky) picture?

Lone Star Saloon is one of Gay bars - SF.

8. Lone Star Saloon

1354 Harrison St (btwn 9th & 10th), 샌프란시스코, CA
게이바 · SoMa · 28개의 팁과 리뷰

ManhuntManhunt: Where the bears are! This is the place you wanna hit for the big and burly!