If your in advertising or in a design job you will like this place. If not it will not be that interesting. As they have a lot of concept boards of released artwork which have won awards.
This place has some excellent design. But most wasn't nearly excellent enough to be so praised, and a lot was more art than design. Still, a great place to geek out for the afternoon.
The exterior of the museum is beautiful and makes for a cool backdrop for your photos. Don't forget to visit the museumgift shop for some souvenirs and cool knick-knacks.
The largest contemporary design museum in Asia. Be sure to pick up a Design Journey and check out the routes proposed of the area to see Singapore through the eyes of a designer.
The only interesting part is the interactive design section where you can play showreels and read showcases of witty inventions. But why would you do this in a museum? Disappointment.
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