NBC Politics: Santorum and Gingrich had wings with voters when they both hosted campaign events here 3 days apart before the FL primary vote. Get your wonk on at http://NBCPolitics.com.
NBC Politics: Versailles made its mark on Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich's campaign trail when he hosted a breakfast event here on January 13, 2012. Get your wonk on at http://NBCPolitics.com
NBC Politics: Santorum and Gingrich had wings with voters when they both hosted campaign events here 3 days apart before the FL primary vote. Get your wonk on at http://NBCPolitics.com.
NBC Politics: The convention center made its mark on Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney's campaign trail when he hosted a rally here on January 12, 2012. Get your wonk on at http://NBCPolitics.com