People should know that the services being provided now is way much better compared 5 years ago. There's still a lot of improvements to be done, we help them by suggesting not by bashing!
The new online appointment system for the OEC is pretty impressive. What used to take me 3-4 hours took 5 mins today. It's not peak season though, but still.
There is photocopy self service at the Labor section, but it is payable only via NETS or EZ Link card; 12 cents per page. Air-conditioned. With small public rest rooms.
On passport renewal: even if their instructions clearly states "be exactly during your hour of appointment, not two hours before", still arrive early to get the first number queus!
Set an appointment for OEC via Walk-in applicants are no longer entertained - at least that's what the guard said :P
Passport Renewal is faster compared to doing it in the Philippines. However it costs almost 4x than having processed in the Philippines and it takes 6 weeks before it can be redeemed.
prepare to waste your whole day. if you are applying for passport renewal, best to send by email. i applied via walk-in was told no slots for 2 months. but via email can get one within the month.
Don't forget to wear a collared shirt f you're coming for passport renewal. They just sent a n old lady back because she was wearing a tshirt. Good thing she's a senior citizen and gets priority
The 25 minute walk (or so) from Orchard MRT to here is good exercise. Unless you're wearing heels then it's just a pain. Even when you go on weekdays, Qs are still pretty long. So come early.
you have to get pag-ibig reciepts n owwa membership 1st before even attempting to get ur OEC.. para smooth lng ang transition.. ^_^ the embassy isnt as bad as before.. good improvement
Would you believe that a lunch break exist here! They did't even inform the waiting crowd! it's really Philippine embassy, as the saying goes "only in the Philippines"