There is often a lot of traffic on the way to the airport. Be sure to leave early and maybe even enjoy breakfast, lunch or dinner while waiting a flight. There are a lot of things to see too.
For cheap, super-casual authentic eats you eat w/ airline crew, look to Kuko Shokudo (Airport Commissary) on domestic arrivals 1F, past the A exit at very end of building.
沖縄の空の玄関口。国内線と韓国、台湾など近隣国への国際線が発着。LCCと国際線を中心に利用が伸びています。Gateway Airport of Okinawa. Domestic flight and International flight to neighbour countries such as Taiwan, Korea departure.
The arrival hall of international terminal is very small, the departure hall is no bigger. They even use hand written cards for flight schedules! The domestic terminal however is completely diff.
Много магазинов и шума, на первом этаже в автомате можно обменять наличные,курс так себе,но на первое время Ок. Имеется магазинчик Lawson, где перекус на скорую руку. Отсюда монорельс в центр Нахи.
They always say get to the airport two hours before your flight, but keep in mind if your flight is before 8am, the airport (and parking) does not actually open until 6am. Happy travels!
Plan on heavy traffic and long waits for international flight check in - arrive at least three hours in advance of scheduled departure. Charge your electronics prior to arriving.