Thumbs up! Had a wonderful evening with my brother. We both liked the atmosphere and the food, with exception of the cracklings which were too greasy.The crew were really observant and cheerful.
The in-house beer, Nose2Ale, is one of the best beers I've ever had, period. Clean, sharp, and refreshing, I would buy it by the case if I could get it in the states.
Обязательно надо бронировать стол! Быстрое, качественное обслуживание, вкусное мясо. Meet/fish of the day около 180 крон, пиво от 35 до 100 крон. Нереально крутой дизайн под скотобойню :))
Main courses are great, but you are just as well of ordering some bread and a couple of plates of assorted meats and cheeses (brætten) and sharing its great products.
Virkelig lækkert mad. Troede ikke svin var noget for mig, men det var det bedste på menuen. God og venlig betjening. Kan dog blive varmt og støjende, men det er jo også en mad BODEGA:-)
Mega skuffende mand! Super ubehøvlet tjener lod os vente i 10 minutter før han førte os til vores (bestilte) bord, og derefter sad vi i 25 uden at bestille. Og så skred vi. Pis!!