Abou Shakra | ابو شقرة

Abou Shakra

(ابو شقرة)
케밥 음식점중동 음식 전문점
Al Haram
팁 및 리뷰 아이콘7 팁 및 리뷰
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사용자 아이콘
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  • Chelsea D.사용자 이미지의 하트 아이콘
    Chelsea Doll3월 6, 2017
    The view from upstairs incredible!! That in itself it worth the trip to this place. The chicken kabobs were exquisite. The peppermint lemon water is my new thing, I can't wait to try and make at home!
  • Hatem A.사용자 이미지의 하트 아이콘
    Hatem Amin3월 22, 2017
    Food was good but overpriced, Pigeon was skinny; Staff are slow and not attentive.
  • Sa3D E.사용자 이미지의 하트 아이콘
    Sa3D Elsharkawy11월 21, 2016
    مجربتش ولا فرع ف القاهره .. تجربتي مع فرع اسكندريه يخلينى عمرى ما افكر اجرب المطعم ده تانى ... مجرد اسم وخلاص
  • Hachikaoru
    Hachikaoru1월 5, 2020
    Tourist place bu the food is not bad.
  • Brandon M.
    Brandon Mudge8월 16, 2018
    Staff don’t seem to care
  • Nick D.
    Nick Dowse8월 16, 2018
    Terrible service, they only care for big tour busses that come here.
  • Yaser M.
    Yaser Matar9월 21, 2016
    من اسوء المطاعم طعما الاكل مجمد وقديم وغير صحي ورديئ الطعم
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