Must-visit Places in Las Vegas
AMC Town Square 18 is one of Must-visit Places in Las Vegas.

1. AMC Town Square 18

6587 Las Vegas Blvd S, 라스베이거스, NV
영화관 · 107개의 팁과 리뷰

Ben J.Ben Jones: Best Place to see a Movie in Vegas. Digital projectors, popcorn that tastes like popcorn, and employees that seem to care... sometimes.

2. Sunset Park

2601 E Sunset Rd (at S Eastern Ave), 라스베이거스, NV
공원 · 49개의 팁과 리뷰

3. Las Vegas Drive-in

4150 West Carey Avenue (at N Rancho Dr), 노스라스베이거스, NV
영화관 · 48개의 팁과 리뷰

Dre' M.Dre' Moton: Just wear your PJ's or sweats and just chill while watching two movies for the price of one!

South Point Hotel & Casino is one of Must-visit Places in Las Vegas.

4. South Point Hotel & Casino

9777 Las Vegas Blvd S (at Silverado Ranch Blvd), 라스베이거스, NV
호텔 · 178개의 팁과 리뷰

JoeAnna P.JoeAnna Parker: $1 drinks and $1 bowling after midnight!

Strike Zone is one of Must-visit Places in Las Vegas.

5. Strike Zone

1301 W Sunset Rd, 헨더슨, NV
볼링장 · Whitney Ranch · 18개의 팁과 리뷰

Eric R.Eric Russell: The BEST cosmic bowling I've gone to in Vegas. A lot of fun.

MaximuM Comics is one of Must-visit Places in Las Vegas.

6. MaximuM Comics

520 Marks St #130 (btwn W Sunset Rd & W Warm Springs Rd), 헨더슨, NV
만화책 매장 · Whitney Ranch · 13개의 팁과 리뷰

Aaron R.Aaron Rowe: Always come here to buy stuff for your card stuff. You save 20% on everything!

Tokyo Discount is one of Must-visit Places in Las Vegas.

7. Tokyo Discount

9890 S Maryland Pkwy (at E Silverado Ranch Blvd), 라스베이거스, NV
선물 가게 · 3개의 팁과 리뷰

Aaron R.Aaron Rowe: Best place for Japanese themes stuff anywhere!

Las Vegas Mini Gran Prix is one of Must-visit Places in Las Vegas.

8. Las Vegas Mini Gran Prix

1401 N Rainbow Blvd (at Vegas Dr), 라스베이거스, NV
자동차 경주장 · 19개의 팁과 리뷰

Melanie P.Melanie P: grab a bracelet 18 for an hour better than 650 for 1 ticket

Andy's Foot Spa is one of Must-visit Places in Las Vegas.

9. Andy's Foot Spa

4625 W Flamingo Rd, 라스베이거스, NV
스파 · 2개의 팁과 리뷰
Dave & Buster's is one of Must-visit Places in Las Vegas.

10. Dave & Buster's

2130 Park Centre Dr, 라스베이거스, NV
스포츠 바 · Summerlin · 5개의 팁과 리뷰
Altered States Wellness Center is one of Must-visit Places in Las Vegas.

11. Altered States Wellness Center

71 N Sandhill Rd, 라스베이거스, NV
스파 · 1개의 팁