Bikabout Boston - Bike Ride on the Charles River
Sofra Bakery & Cafe is one of Bikabout Boston - Bike Ride on the Charles River.

1. Sofra Bakery & Cafe

1 Belmont St (at Mt Auburn St.), 케임브리지, MA
빵집 · 103개의 팁과 리뷰

BikaboutBikabout: Grab some excellent coffee and a pastry before strolling through Mt Auburn Cemetery.

Mount Auburn Cemetery is one of Bikabout Boston - Bike Ride on the Charles River.

2. Mount Auburn Cemetery

580 Mount Auburn St (Aberdeen Ave), 케임브리지, MA
공동묘지 · East Watertown · 17개의 팁과 리뷰

BikaboutBikabout: Find the stone tower and enjoy views all the way across Boston.

Harvard Stadium is one of Bikabout Boston - Bike Ride on the Charles River.

3. Harvard Stadium

65 N Harvard St (across from Ohiri Field), 보스턴, MA
대학 경기장 · North Allston · 35개의 팁과 리뷰

BikaboutBikabout: Built in 1903, it was the first structure in the world to employ reinforced concrete in a vertical way, and has had minimal changes ever since. Janis Joplin played her last show here, in 1970.

HBS Chapel is one of Bikabout Boston - Bike Ride on the Charles River.

4. HBS Chapel

보스턴, MA
교회 · North Allston · 1개의 팁

BikaboutBikabout: Part greenhouse, part chapel, seems to be open during the week, but not on weekends. Designed by Moshe Safdie.

One Western Avenue is one of Bikabout Boston - Bike Ride on the Charles River.

5. One Western Avenue

1 Western Ave, 보스턴, MA
아파트 또는 콘도 · North Allston · 3개의 팁과 리뷰

BikaboutBikabout: Graduate housing building with a bridge section suspended 4 stories above ground, covering an outdoor seating section. Located on one corner of the Harvard Business School alongside the Charles River.

Charles River Bike Path is one of Bikabout Boston - Bike Ride on the Charles River.

6. Charles River Bike Path

Charles River Bike Path, 보스턴, MA
하이킹 코스 · Prudential - St. Botolph · 18개의 팁과 리뷰

BikaboutBikabout: Vehicle-free bike/walk path spanning both sides of the Charles River in a 17 mile loop, with direct access to many parks and playgrounds but almost no food.

Boston University Bridge is one of Bikabout Boston - Bike Ride on the Charles River.

7. Boston University Bridge

Boston University Bridge, 보스턴, MA
다리 · 22개의 팁과 리뷰

BikaboutBikabout: Get your timing right and you could make the ultimate 5-layer multi-modal transportation sandwich. Thank local advocates Livable Streets for getting two new 5-foot bike lanes on the car bridge, btw.

The Esplanade is one of Bikabout Boston - Bike Ride on the Charles River.

8. The Esplanade

The Esplanade, 보스턴, MA
공원 · Back Bay East · 80개의 팁과 리뷰

BikaboutBikabout: The Esplanade is a river-front park that contains boat houses, picnic spots, lagoons, a half shell concert space , and several top-notch playgrounds.

Esplanade Playspace is one of Bikabout Boston - Bike Ride on the Charles River.

9. Esplanade Playspace

Storrow Dr, 보스턴, MA
운동장 · Back Bay East · 5개의 팁과 리뷰

BikaboutBikabout: A zip line, a faux granite mountain, and a giant rope spider web give the kids plenty of ways to burn calories while you relax on a bench and make new friends.

Equal Exchange Cafe is one of Bikabout Boston - Bike Ride on the Charles River.

10. Equal Exchange Cafe

226 Causeway St (at Beverly St.), 보스턴, MA
커피숍 · North End · 57개의 팁과 리뷰

BikaboutBikabout: Fair trade coffee and tea house with light lunch and chocolate bars. Good location, good coffee, great people.

USS Constitution is one of Bikabout Boston - Bike Ride on the Charles River.

11. USS Constitution

Charlestown Navy Yard (at Constitution Rd), 보스턴, MA
보트 또는 페리 · Thompson Square - Bunker Hill · 75개의 팁과 리뷰

BikaboutBikabout: For over 200 years she has defeated Barbary pirates, the British, and the looming spectre of the scrap yard to become a living, floating museum of incomparable value.

Paul Revere Park is one of Bikabout Boston - Bike Ride on the Charles River.

12. Paul Revere Park

N Washington St (Chelsea St), Charlestown, MA
공원 · 14개의 팁과 리뷰

BikaboutBikabout: A pleasant park with a decent playground and good open lawn space, just over the Charles River Dam from Boston proper.

Leonard P. Zakim Bunker Hill Memorial Bridge is one of Bikabout Boston - Bike Ride on the Charles River.

13. Leonard P. Zakim Bunker Hill Memorial Bridge

I-93 (US 1), 보스턴, MA
다리 · 33개의 팁과 리뷰

BikaboutBikabout: Iconic "Big Dig" bridge commemorating Bunker Hill and Civil Rights activist Leonard Zakim, designed by Miguel Rosales.

North Bank Park Foot Bridge is one of Bikabout Boston - Bike Ride on the Charles River.

14. North Bank Park Foot Bridge

Education Way, 케임브리지, MA
전망대 · East Cambridge · 4개의 팁과 리뷰

BikaboutBikabout: A beautiful new soaring pedestrian/bike bridge that finally connects two waterfront Cambridge areas for the first time since 1835.

North Point Park is one of Bikabout Boston - Bike Ride on the Charles River.

15. North Point Park

Museum Way, 케임브리지, MA
공원 · East Cambridge · 10개의 팁과 리뷰

BikaboutBikabout: This park is a relative newcomer, and a welcome one. It has a massive playground complex, canals and waterfront views, and is well connected.

Lechmere Canal Park is one of Bikabout Boston - Bike Ride on the Charles River.

16. Lechmere Canal Park

Canal Park, 케임브리지, MA
공원 · East Cambridge · 6개의 팁과 리뷰

BikaboutBikabout: A scenic inlet from the Charles River, surrounded by walking/biking paths.

Charles River Canoe & Kayak is one of Bikabout Boston - Bike Ride on the Charles River.

17. Charles River Canoe & Kayak

500 Broad Canal St, 케임브리지, MA
항구 · Kendall Square · 12개의 팁과 리뷰

BikaboutBikabout: Charles River Canoe & Kayak offers immediate access to the Charles River, the underside of the Longfellow Bridge, the Esplanade, and some of the best views of the Boston skyline.

Commonwealth is one of Bikabout Boston - Bike Ride on the Charles River.

18. Commonwealth

11 Broad Canal Way (3rd Street), 케임브리지, MA
뉴 아메리카 음식점 · Kendall Square · 37개의 팁과 리뷰

BikaboutBikabout: They carry some basic groceries, but the real story is the prepared foods and the bar. For the best in local beers, try anything from Night Shift or Pretty Things.

Voltage Coffee & Art is one of Bikabout Boston - Bike Ride on the Charles River.

19. Voltage Coffee & Art

295 3rd St (at Athenaeum St.), 케임브리지, MA
카페 · Kendall Square · 96개의 팁과 리뷰

BikaboutBikabout: Coffee and art in a comfortable setting in Kendall Square.

Meadhall is one of Bikabout Boston - Bike Ride on the Charles River.

20. Meadhall

4 Cambridge Ctr (at Broadway), 케임브리지, MA
· Kendall Square · 187개의 팁과 리뷰

BikaboutBikabout: With a staggering number of taps and a well-organized beer menu, you won't lack for choices. Note the signatures from famous brewers on the walls as you head upstairs.

MIT Stata Center (Building 32) is one of Bikabout Boston - Bike Ride on the Charles River.

21. MIT Stata Center (Building 32)

32 Vassar St (at Main St), 케임브리지, MA
기술 대학교 건물 · MIT · 31개의 팁과 리뷰

BikaboutBikabout: Whimsical, controversial Gehry design at its best, the Stata Center is a mixed-use space MIT building that must be seen to be believed.

Area Four is one of Bikabout Boston - Bike Ride on the Charles River.

22. Area Four

500 Technology Sq, 케임브리지, MA
피자 가게 · Kendall Square · 209개의 팁과 리뷰

BikaboutBikabout: Their outdoor seating borders a huge, rare open lawn among the glass biotech towers, and the sidewalk seating makes an excellent perch for bike lane people watching.

MIT Chapel (Building W15) is one of Bikabout Boston - Bike Ride on the Charles River.

23. MIT Chapel (Building W15)

50 Massachusetts Ave, 케임브리지, MA
영성 센터 · MIT · 7개의 팁과 리뷰

BikaboutBikabout: Like the best of magic tricks, it looks simple from the outside, but transports you somewhere entirely different once you enter.

MIT Kresge Oval is one of Bikabout Boston - Bike Ride on the Charles River.

24. MIT Kresge Oval

케임브리지, MA
대학 캠퍼스 · MIT · 1개의 팁

BikaboutBikabout: Together with the MIT Chapel and the green separating the two, the space still manages to impress upon the visitor a sense of community and purpose that many newer designs fail to replicate.

Flour Bakery + Cafe is one of Bikabout Boston - Bike Ride on the Charles River.

25. Flour Bakery + Cafe

190 Massachusetts Ave (at Albany St), 케임브리지, MA
빵집 · 179개의 팁과 리뷰

BikaboutBikabout: Locally famous bakery with excellent coffee, pastries, tarts, deserts, sandwiches, soups, and more. They're up to 4 locations now, and have something for just about everyone.

Central Bottle Wine + Provisions is one of Bikabout Boston - Bike Ride on the Charles River.

26. Central Bottle Wine + Provisions

196 Massachusetts Ave (Albany St), 케임브리지, MA
와인 판매점 · 17개의 팁과 리뷰

BikaboutBikabout: Stylish and well curated wine / beer / provisions shop in Central Square. Give them 24 hours notice and you can rent an expertly-stocked picnic basket. And do not miss the Mast Brothers chocolate bars

Cambridge Bicycle is one of Bikabout Boston - Bike Ride on the Charles River.

27. Cambridge Bicycle

259 Massachusetts Aveq (Main Street), 케임브리지, MA
자전거용품점 · 7개의 팁과 리뷰

BikaboutBikabout: A full-service bike shop located right in busy Central Square. A fair balance of sport and practicality, with good accessories and a large service bay.

Vassar Street Cycletrack is one of Bikabout Boston - Bike Ride on the Charles River.

28. Vassar Street Cycletrack

Vassar Street (Main Street), 케임브리지, MA
도로 · Kendall Square · 팁 또는 리뷰 없음

BikaboutBikabout: Ride down this separated bike lane holding hands with your sweetie or give your kids a safe place to learn how to ride a bike!

MIT Simmons Hall (Building W79) is one of Bikabout Boston - Bike Ride on the Charles River.

29. MIT Simmons Hall (Building W79)

229 Vassar St, 케임브리지, MA
대학교 건물 · MIT · 3개의 팁과 리뷰

BikaboutBikabout: Design-forward undergraduate MIT dorm (by Steven Holl) located along the Vassar Street cycle track.

Magazine Beach Bath House is one of Bikabout Boston - Bike Ride on the Charles River.

30. Magazine Beach Bath House

719 Memorial Dr, 케임브리지, MA
수영장 · 1개의 팁

BikaboutBikabout: Best place to ride your bike past memorial drive traffic on the Charles River bike path. Grab some goodies at Trader Joes and have an after work dinner and swim on a hot summer night!

Trader Joe's is one of Bikabout Boston - Bike Ride on the Charles River.

31. Trader Joe's

748 Memorial Dr (at Riverside Rd), 케임브리지, MA
식료품점 · 45개의 팁과 리뷰

BikaboutBikabout: Conveniently located near the Charles River, the Memorial Drive bike path, and the Magazine Beach public pool.

Whole Foods Market is one of Bikabout Boston - Bike Ride on the Charles River.

32. Whole Foods Market

340 River St (at Putnam Ave.), 케임브리지, MA
식료품점 · 51개의 팁과 리뷰

BikaboutBikabout: A good-sized Whole Foods complete with the hote and cold food bars, beer, and wine. Get lunch and a cold beverage to go, and enjoy them by the river.

Peabody Terrace Playground is one of Bikabout Boston - Bike Ride on the Charles River.

33. Peabody Terrace Playground

900 Memorial Dr (Akron), 케임브리지, MA
운동장 · 1개의 팁
Wheeler Park is one of Bikabout Boston - Bike Ride on the Charles River.

34. Wheeler Park

880 Memorial drive (Western ave), 케임브리지, MA
공원 · 2개의 팁과 리뷰

BikaboutBikabout: In warm months, the granite trough fountains can also be activated via a recessed touch switch, giving smaller visitors something fun to conquer.

BerryLine is one of Bikabout Boston - Bike Ride on the Charles River.

35. BerryLine

1 Arrow St (at Massachusetts Ave.), 케임브리지, MA
얼린 요구르트 가게 · 42개의 팁과 리뷰

BikaboutBikabout: A charming little nook on a side street in Harvard square offering sweet, tart, mostly fruit-inspired frozen yogurt. If the window spots are available, sit up front on barstools and people watch.

Henrietta's Table is one of Bikabout Boston - Bike Ride on the Charles River.

36. Henrietta's Table

1 Bennett St (at Eliot St.), 케임브리지, MA
미국 음식점 · Harvard Square · 68개의 팁과 리뷰

BikaboutBikabout: Inside the Charles Hotel, "Cracker Barrel chic" decor, strong focus on New England ingredients right down to the vodka. Consistently among the best food and service in Harvard Square.

Shays Pub & Wine Bar is one of Bikabout Boston - Bike Ride on the Charles River.

37. Shays Pub & Wine Bar

58 JFK St (btw Winthrop & South), 케임브리지, MA
와인 바 · Harvard Square · 36개의 팁과 리뷰

BikaboutBikabout: lo-fi bar with no pretensions and reasonable drink prices. They have an outdoor patio as well, but expect to share it with friendly smokers - Shay's is one of the last businesses to allow any smoking.

Newbury Comics is one of Bikabout Boston - Bike Ride on the Charles River.

38. Newbury Comics

36 JFK St (at Mt Auburn St), 케임브리지, MA
음반 가게 · Harvard Square · 16개의 팁과 리뷰

BikaboutBikabout: Another local chain done good, these days they offer an eclectic mix of vinyl, cds, stickers, t-shirts, hats, shoes, watches, and collectables.

Richard A. & Susan F. Smith Campus Center is one of Bikabout Boston - Bike Ride on the Charles River.

39. Richard A. & Susan F. Smith Campus Center

1350 Massachusetts Ave (at Dunster St.), 케임브리지, MA
대학 건물 · Harvard Square · 9개의 팁과 리뷰
J.P. Licks is one of Bikabout Boston - Bike Ride on the Charles River.

40. J.P. Licks

1312 Massachusetts Ave (btwn Holyoke & Linden), 케임브리지, MA
아이스크림 가게 · Harvard Square · 86개의 팁과 리뷰

BikaboutBikabout: A local ice cream chain done good, they're guaranteed to be popular on sunny days, and well worth the small line, which usually moves quickly. The coconut almond chip ice cream is where it's at.

World's Only Curious George Store is one of Bikabout Boston - Bike Ride on the Charles River.

41. World's Only Curious George Store

1 JFK St (at Harvard Square), 케임브리지, MA
서점 · Harvard Square · 14개의 팁과 리뷰
Cardullo's is one of Bikabout Boston - Bike Ride on the Charles River.

42. Cardullo's

6 Brattle St (Palmer Street), 케임브리지, MA
미식가 가게 · Harvard Square · 52개의 팁과 리뷰

BikaboutBikabout: Since 1950, this shop has offered those brands from other countries you just can't find anywhere else in the states. A fresh deli, tons of sweets, and a beer buyer who really knows her stuff.

Harvard Coop Society Bookstore is one of Bikabout Boston - Bike Ride on the Charles River.

43. Harvard Coop Society Bookstore

1400 Massachusetts Ave (at Brattle St.), 케임브리지, MA
서점 · Harvard Square · 84개의 팁과 리뷰

BikaboutBikabout: A respectably big book store staffed with real, live, helpful people who always have excellent recommendations. Beautiful woodwork, great selection, and a wonderful kids section downstairs.

Church Street Jughandle is one of Bikabout Boston - Bike Ride on the Charles River.

44. Church Street Jughandle

Massachusetts Avenue (Church Street), 케임브리지, MA
도로 · Mid-Cambridge · 1개의 팁
Anthropologie is one of Bikabout Boston - Bike Ride on the Charles River.

45. Anthropologie

48 Brattle St, 케임브리지, MA
여성복 매장 · Harvard Square · 10개의 팁과 리뷰

BikaboutBikabout: The original home of Benjamin Thompson's Design Research, which first popularized Scandinavian interior design in the United States.

L.A. Burdick Chocolate is one of Bikabout Boston - Bike Ride on the Charles River.

46. L.A. Burdick Chocolate

52 Brattle St (Farwell Pl), 케임브리지, MA
카페 · Harvard Square · 118개의 팁과 리뷰

BikaboutBikabout: Famous for its chocolate mice and hot chocolate, and not without ample cause. Also an excellent place to pick up gifts.

Longfellow Chestnut Tree Sculpture is one of Bikabout Boston - Bike Ride on the Charles River.

47. Longfellow Chestnut Tree Sculpture

52 Brattle St, 케임브리지, MA
공공 미술 · Harvard Square · 2개의 팁과 리뷰

BikaboutBikabout: An endearing visual ode to one of Longfellow's finest poems, which praised honest manual labor and the satisfaction of a job well done. Tucked in behind Burdick Chocolates on a brick wall.

Loeb Drama Center (A.R.T) is one of Bikabout Boston - Bike Ride on the Charles River.

48. Loeb Drama Center (A.R.T)

64 Brattle St, 케임브리지, MA
극장 · Harvard Square · 32개의 팁과 리뷰

BikaboutBikabout: Home of the American Repertory Theatre since 1980, the Loeb Drama Center is a good place to see professional theater and a reliable place to find covered bike parking.

Darwin's Ltd. is one of Bikabout Boston - Bike Ride on the Charles River.

49. Darwin's Ltd.

148 Mount Auburn St (Ash St.), 케임브리지, MA
커피숍 · Harvard Square · 95개의 팁과 리뷰

BikaboutBikabout: A uniquely multi-purpose rest stop, Darwin's scores very highly in the breakfast/coffee dimension, the lunch/sandwich dimension, AND on the beer/wine/basic grocery dimension.

Longfellow National Historic Site is one of Bikabout Boston - Bike Ride on the Charles River.

50. Longfellow National Historic Site

105 Brattle St, 케임브리지, MA
유적지 및 보호 구역 · West Cambridge · 4개의 팁과 리뷰

BikaboutBikabout: Briefly George Washington's headquarters during the Revolutionary War, later the home of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, now a National Historic Site, complete with rear garden.