A must see for any cars lover, not only BMWers. Almost all of the cars are really awesome. Also the generous collection of motor bikes are presented. My most favorite hall is classic racing cars hall!
One of the most attractive place in Munich. Such an awesome boys playground! Interactive schemes of engines, disassembled jet engine, and so one. Plan at least 3 hours. Download official museum app!
Awesome museum! I've always been a BMW fan and seeing how they evolved through history was great! Large cars and bikes collection. My favorite one has to be the BMW Gina concept.
Очень хорошо организован музей, насыщенный экспонатами, но не перегружен, интересная структура залов, замечательное графическое и информационное сопровождение.
Toda a história de um dos maiores fabricantes de automóveis do mundo. Museu moderno e bem explicado. Carros maravilhosos! E veja a recuperação feita no carro que pertenceu a Elvis Presley!
Внутри вся история. На осмотр хватит часика. Вход в районе 10 евро. Работает до 5. Есть паркинг по 2 в час. Если что, через дорогу Мир ВМВ - бесплатный и тоже интересно
Очень красиво и интересно! Современно и увлекательно! Интернет экскурсовод и приложение, которое позволяет в свободном режиме ходить и слушать то, что интересно. И при этом. Повторить дома
Great for design and history of cars. Every object is very elegantly displayed. The buildings are in themselves worth the visit. You start to dream of an old car.
Absolutely amazing place to visit! Plan your trip from an early morning, while it’s not overcrowded. Take in mind there’s a free Wi-Fi, download an audio guide!
BMW Welt is free, museum has two types of tickets and you also can get on the factorytour which you have to book ahead (and you can't take photos in there).
Отличный музей! Понравилось всё: от экспонатов и интересного рассказа до гардероба в шкафчиках и откидных сиденийв залах. Есть аудиогид на разных языках, в том числе и на русском, берите обязательно.
A lot of history. Good for people who are interesting in enginering/cars/engine. A great interior design. But for a people like me (not interested in cars) it's waste of money.
You do not need yo be a fan of motor industry, you just need to love beautifully designed car or motorbikes!!! Amazing place spent here more time than planned as the location is amazing!
Really well though out, has an area for motors, for design, for advertising, for formula 1, for their best sellers and for their company history. Last but not least showcases Elvis BMW!
Музей ОЧЕНЬ маленький,несравнимо с музеямиПорше и Мерседес!! НЕ советую тратить 9 евро-от силы увидите 15 машин.В BMW WELT стоит сходить,автомобилей много,вход бесплатный,можно посидеть в машинках)
Lovely place!!!today it was my second time and i would probably go again sometime!!!the concepts are gone though but there a lot to see and read about mini!!!!
Okay, so there's a *showroom* and a *museum*. Don't leave without a tour thru the museum. And don't leave the museum without checking out the "Art Cars" section (accessible via the escalator near th
Very nice display of vehicles but a bit smaller compared to some other similar museums (although same entrance fee). Two to three hours should be enough to check it all out.
The den of BMW cars...if you are a great of the Bavarian brand then you must visit once in your lifetime.A must see for all car fans too.Know A-Z about BMW over here!
К посещению, если Вы фэн BMW) есть русский аудиогид, но перевод так себе (если были в музее Порше сразу почувствуете разницу! 👹) Не путать флагманский шоурум и музей) это два разных соседних здания!
Последние модели выставлены и некоторые концепты! Кто фанат этой марки то для них есть магазинаксессуаров! Для одного раза место замечательное, рекомендуется для посещения!
Обилие стекла и белых поверхностей дает такие блики, что иногда глюки ловишь, передвигаясь по всем балконам и мостам)В целом интересная экспозиция, 1 раз посетить стоит того.
The museum is good, but be aware at the café. One attendant named Josip was very agressive with latin visitors and kept mocking at them. Completely unnecessary.
The Munich BMW Museum offers a presentation of the BMW history. More than 125 automobiles, motorcycles and engines are displayed on a surface area of 5000 m².