Vic 님이 저장한 장소
Calavera Empanadas & Tequila Bar is one of Vic 님이 저장한 장소.

1. Calavera Empanadas & Tequila Bar

444 S Blount St #101 (east Davie St), 롤리, NC
Empanada 레스토랑 · 84개의 팁과 리뷰

Beth K.Beth Keul: I highly recommend the Cucumber Mojito

The Raleigh Wine Shop is one of Vic 님이 저장한 장소.

2. The Raleigh Wine Shop

317 S Bloodworth St (at W Jones St), 롤리, NC
와인 판매점 · 14개의 팁과 리뷰

Susan B.Susan Baldwin Stevens: Free tastings on Saturdays.

Coquette Brasserie is one of Vic 님이 저장한 장소.

3. Coquette Brasserie

4351 The Circle At North Hills St (in North Hills), 롤리, NC
프랑스 음식점 · 65개의 팁과 리뷰

Michael O.Michael Oberle: Try the charcuterie and mix it up. Really fun fun to combine ingredients.

Goodberry's Frozen Custard is one of Vic 님이 저장한 장소.

4. Goodberry's Frozen Custard

2042 Clark Ave (in Cameron Village), 롤리, NC
아이스크림 가게 · 32개의 팁과 리뷰

Susan B.Susan Baldwin Stevens: Larry's Beans coffee (fewer calories than the custard, though you can get some with custard added).

Coquette Brasserie is one of Vic 님이 저장한 장소.

5. Coquette Brasserie

4351 The Circle At North Hills St (in North Hills), 롤리, NC
프랑스 음식점 · 65개의 팁과 리뷰

Susan B.Susan Baldwin Stevens: MOULES FRITES

The Morning Times is one of Vic 님이 저장한 장소.

6. The Morning Times

10 E Hargett St (btw Fayetteville St & Wilmington St), 롤리, NC
커피숍 · 105개의 팁과 리뷰

melissamelissa: get a slice of the tia maria cake before i eat it all. seriously, i've already had two today.