Foursquare가 Kreuzberg에서 친구들과 함께 갈 수 있는 최고의 장소를 찾도록 도와드립니다:

  • 9.5


    운하 베를린, 베를린

    또한 사람들은 (팁 21개)를 말합니다:

    • "This is a canal in Berlin that flows through Kreuzberg and Tiergarten where you can take a nice walk, sit on the benches, or simply hang out in its surrounding cafés and restaurants."
  • 9.4

    Duo Sicilian Ice Cream

    아이스크림 가게 Skalitzer Str. 82 베를린, 베를린

    또한 사람들은 (팁 46개)를 말합니다:

    • Mag
      Mag: "I travelled from Charlottenburg to try their ice cream and I’ll be back. My top3 in Berlin, generous servings and really reasonable prices!"
  • 9.0


    와인 바 Forster Str. 5 베를린, 베를린

    또한 사람들은 (팁 55개)를 말합니다:

    • Mark S.
      Mark Szabo: "Super awesome place. Professional recommendation wine vs. food. Food selection after you have a chat talk to the italian chef. The owner is an absolute connoisseur of wine."
  • 9.0

    Berlinische Galerie

    미술관 Alte Jakobstr. 124-128 베를린, 베를린

    또한 사람들은 (팁 61개)를 말합니다:

    • Surface Magazine
      Surface Magazine: "Surrounded by high-rise East German-esque housing blocks not far from the Jewish Museum, it’s worth searching out for the sake of director Köhler’s smart mix of Dada and avant-garde European works."
  • 9.3


    예술품 판매점 Prinzenstr. 85 베를린, 베를린

    또한 사람들은 (팁 116개)를 말합니다:

    • Glitch
      Glitch: "아트재료,문구류,서적등 모든 것을 모아둔 편집샵."
  • 9.0


    커피숍 Gabriele-Tergit-Promenade 21 베를린, 베를린

    또한 사람들은 (팁 13개)를 말합니다:

    • Jana A. Kri
      Jana A. Kri: "A somewhat hidden coffeeshop,but they consistently have the best flat whites.Selection of beans is top-notch (you can choose the intensity of a roast). Delicious croissants and a quiet outdoor seating"

사람들이 Kreuzberg에 있는 다음 장소에 대해 이야기하고 있습니다.

  • 9.3

    Park am Gleisdreieck - Westpark

    공원 Flottwellstr. 베를린, 베를린

    또한 사람들은 (팁 53개)를 말합니다:

    • Mark
      Mark: "Beautiful wide park with urban charme. It offers lots of possibilities to do some sports or just hanging around."
    • Anna Z.
      Anna Zhdanova: "Fantastic place in the centre of Berlin! Grab some snacks and drinks and go during weekend. Very green, neat and friendly"
  • 9.3


    해안/강변 Carl-Herz-Ufer 베를린, 베를린

    또한 사람들은 (팁 4개)를 말합니다:

    • Mark H.
      Mark Heywinkel: "Der wohl beste Ort, um zentral am Wasser zu entspannen. Decke und Getränke einpacken und ab an den Kanal - am besten rechtzeitig, denn bei Sonnenschein wird's hier voll!"
    • Claudia
      Claudia: "Die lauschige Alternative zum Treptower Park."
  • 9.4


    공원 Kreuzbergstr. 베를린, 베를린

    또한 사람들은 (팁 72개)를 말합니다:

    • Lauma Z.
      Lauma Z: "One of the most peaceful and beautiful parks in Berlin. Its waterfall truly makes it one of a kind - a gem in the heart of the busy city of Berlin."
    • Paul F.
      Paul Fritze: "Toller Park mit wunderschönen Wasserkaskaden und fantastischem Blick über die Stadt vom in der Mitte stehenden Kreuzberg aus. Auf der Rückseite: Das Golgatha. Toller Biergarten mit Grill (sehr gut)."

5천만 명이 넘는 Foursquare 사용자들과 함께 귀하의 취향에 꼭 맞는 팁을 받아보세요.