Hyman L.: "Moe is a one-man, bartending machine. He'll hook you up if you're a regular or tip well.Stones throw away from Rutgers-Newark campus. Average prices on drinks. Great burgers."
Mark Moss: "The tapas and sangria was really terrific. Save some room for dessert! The homemade flan and Spanish cheesecake were both amazing! This place is highly recommended!!"
Twinkle Denoyo: "Service is awesome, everyone is friendly at this place. i ordered eggs with salmon, the home fries were good. Corned beef was fantastic!"
Wilson Crooks: "I have been in New Jersey for a month and dine in here twice. Everything was great even the service. A bit pricey, but it's worth it. Surely come back here to try other dished."
Ben Tucker: "This is a excellent stop for tremendous seafood. Appetizers are top notch, (conch salad) meals are tasty and priced just right. Enjoy! You will leave full!!"
Lauren Fitzgerald: "Paella is just amazing but every single item is exceptional. Don't judge a book by its cover, from the outside it may not be your first choice, but I think it may be the best restaurant in Newark."
Maia Wailana: "for appetizer get the garlic shrimps, mussels and chorizo. for dinner the grilled prawns, seafood cioppino, don't skimp -Fornos of Spain a gem with fabulous service and exceptionally delicious food!!"
Rachel Lippman: "Super authentic. No tourists. T-bone with egg on top, flaming Portuguese sausage, bacalau, fabulous find. Plus I have leftovers for the week!"
Sandra Pimentel: "Great barbecue chicken & cheap. Two chickens for 4 people more than enough."