Eleanore Leichtenberg: "Bread, popcorn, chips and crackers are very unhealthy for ducks and their ducklings. Instead, feed them halved grapes, rice, salad leaves, bird seed or vegetable trimmings :)"
National Car Rental: "A true 1950s theater, Loft Cinema has great food and drinks, and an always solid mix of films. It operates as a non-profit and volunteers run the production. Plus, its a great place to beat the heat!"
Eric Nelson: "The requirement when you're in Tucson is to stop here. The Sonoran dogs are a world famous original for a reason, the Carne Asada is the best in town."
Eric Nelson: "Great spot for a coffee or a lunch. The market itself has wonderful ingredients, herbs, spices, and other things you won't find in your normal grocery store."
Kaitlin McIntosh: "This arena is great for watching basketball. Any seat has a good view, even the nosebleed section. You can feel the energy come game time! Go Cats!"
ZonaZoo: "More than 2,000 ZonaZoo members reserve their seats in advance to cheer on the #9 ranked Men's Basketball team. Women's Basketball, Volleyball, and GymCats compete here as well!"
Aws Aws: "where's TJ's Fair Trade Five Country Espresso beans. Best coffee I've ever had. Used it for many years. All of a sudden it's gone and store can't figure it out. Help?"
Leon Palafox: "If you have kids. Find the hidden racoon and earn a prize."