Have no plans for this Valentine's Day? Then head on over to the Goretorium for Stereo Love and have a frightening good time! Grab your tickets at http://www.goretorium.com if you dare!
Tim the bartender is awesome. Plenty to look at, fun characters to chat with; the baby doll lounge upstairs has a nice view and bathrooms that scream, have mirrors that bleed, and flickering lights.
Eli, I know you were busy as hell getting the GORETORIUM ready! I wanted to say thanks for letting a filmmaker from Arizona have a fanboy, horror nerd moment and making time for us. You ROCK sir!
Now is the time to head on over with a couple friends and get scared out of your minds at the Goretorium!!! Come and give us a shot and you will be screaming for more!
The one and only place in Las Vegas that you can get to realize what true fear is! To purchase your reservation visit http://www.goretorium.com and have a fright filled stay!
Sample a cruel and unusual cocktail at the on-site Bloody Mary's bar, serving to-go tipples that let you enjoy the gore without interrupting your flow.
Go with a scaredy cat for added amusement. My group had a terrified screaming girl & all the actors honed in on her. Don't rush through or it'll be over quick.
Are you ready to be scared? If not you better be! Head over to http://www.goretorium.com to buy your tickets today then get ready to be scared! Even bring you loved ones and maybe they can protect you
And don't get me wrong, I'm a huge Eli Roth fan and maybe the haunters were having an off night, but I saw little passion for the performance and many mistakes being made (timing, visibility, etc.).
Goretorium - Vegas' ONLY year-round haunted house is guaranteed to scare you to your core! Then try and unwind at the Baby Doll Lounge with a stiff drink! 자세히 보기
Get scared at the only year round haunted house in Las Vegas! Learn what true fear is! Get tickets at http://www.goretorium.com and get ready to be scared!
If you're easily frightened, you'll have fun. If you're a haunt veteran... go during a slow time so you can meander through at your own pace & take in the atmosphere or you'll exit feeling ripped off.
Are you ready to be scared at the only year round haunted house? Well you better be because the haunts do not stop and you will be scared out of your pants!
When death is breathing down your neck only then you will see your whole life flash before your eyes see all the mistakes you have made! http://www.goretorium.com
You may have to change your pants after leaving us. And of course before you come back fir your second helping of being scared! http://www.goretorium.com.
Test your mental fortitude with one of the scariest places ever conceived in Las Vegas! The Goretorium will have you screaming for your mother! http://www.goretorium.com
Looking for the best scare in Vegas? Goretorium - Las Vegas ONLY year-round haunted house! Hurry over, our Delmont employees are DYING to meet you... don't keep them waiting...
Screamers will love it, but as a haunt fanatic several of the effects were ones I've seen at less expensive haunts. I was expecting... Las Vegas! Got... hometown haunt.
Another project brought to you by Eli Roth a success on Netflix read more! Get your tickets early to Goretorium by clicking here http://www.vtheaterboxoffice.com/Vegas_Show_Tickets.cfm?showID=10019 자세히 보기