Fresh ingredients are served everyday. Quick services, tasty meals. The restaurant must be very crowded at lunch time but be patient - tables will be avail in few mins. Worth waiting :3
I'm an Asian. I was so impressed with the high quality pho here. Beautiful cleanbeef broth with homemaderice noodles. The Nem roll is delicious as well. Would return to Budapest for this.
I was told, this is the best place to eat Pho in Budapest, And it proved to be true. I had small Pho soup With beef And it was enough for lunch And moly 990 Huf. The waiters were helpful when choosing
If you are up for a stomach-warming soup, but not pho, go for the bun ho, which is a more spicy and sour soup and you can have it with meatballs, taro, seafood and nem (a kind of Vietnamese sausage). 자세히 보기
Prawn pho is excellent but ask not to put the spice into the soup. You can add the spice on you own as the soup comes with small spice bowls. Portion is really laaaarge.
Pho forever :) I have no idea why it is so good, but I have to eat Pho time to time. This is one of the best in town. If you want to eat main dish, ask for the small portion Pho :)
Suggested by a Vietnamese friend so the quality was expectedly exceptional. I have to say the pho is the best I've had so far. Portions are huge so it's perfect for dinner when you've had a long day.
If you are very hungry: go for the amazing and huge 'vilagevo' pho, the best in town! If it's hot consider the bun. And don't miss the different rolls and the vietnamese coffee!
The Springer roll was the best i have ever eaten! Fresh, cruspy, full of meat. After came the main STAR: THE PHO! Yes, this is the PHO of Budapest! Must try!
Хорошие ланчи, для тех кто работает рядом, но просто поесть нечего - небольшие порции, не так чтобы очень вкусно. Принимают только наличные. Фо бо в Москве на Дубровке вкуснее в разы!!!
Суп-похлебка фо (pho bo) довольно хороша, к ней полагаются дополнительные приправы, которые могут усилить вкус. Одной порции достаточно даже для двоих. Есть и другие блюда, но сначала пробовать фо.
Finom es nagy adag Po leves, nagyon friss izvilaggal. A tavaszi es nyari tekercs is izletes. Kiváló az étterem ar/ertek aránya! ^^ csak ajanlani tudom. Del korul ebedidoben utcaig ero sor alakulhat ki
Ilyen áron ilyen mennyiségű és minőségű kaját nem találsz sehol. Délben kilóg a sor az étterem elé, de gyorsan apad a sor, és megéri azt a 10 perc várást. Azért ha tudsz inkább egy felé menj.
Az eddigi legjobb pho leves,amit kóstoltam!Imádom,hogy mindig más-más ízkombinációt tudsz kihozni belőle a mellé adott ízesítőkkel.A hely viszont vacsiidőben dugig van,és sokat kell várni,de megéri!
Pho, seafood bun, nyári és tavaszi tekercs mind isteniek. Az "ültetési rend" csúcsidőben pedig egyszerre szokatlan és bájos. Ja és jó erős szálas teát főznek kis kancsóban, ha zöld teát kér az ember.