Montgomery's Fish & Chips is one of Foodie.

1. Montgomery's Fish & Chips

123 Carrie Cates Ct (at Lonsdale Quay Market), North Vancouver, BC
피시 앤 칩스 음식점 · 7개의 팁과 리뷰
Canucks Team Store Outlet is one of Foodie.

2. Canucks Team Store Outlet

150 - 1893 E. Hastings St. (at Renfrew St.), 밴쿠버, BC
스포츠용품 소매점 · Hastings-Sunrise · 2개의 팁과 리뷰

John H.John Hwang: The Outlet Store has jerseys that the Robson St. and Arena Store don't have in stock! Call to check!! I scored a jersey for $50!!