Caffeine Stops in Tokyo
The Roastery by Nozy Coffee is one of Caffeine Stops in Tokyo.

1. The Roastery by Nozy Coffee

神宮前5-17-13 (ダイイチHOKI神宮前ビル 1F), 도쿄, 도쿄 도
커피숍 · 北青山 · 174개의 팁과 리뷰

つか な.つか なな: T.Y.EXPRESSとNOZY COFFEEのコラボ店舗。マシンはSYNESSOのHydra(バックヤードにSIMONELLIのAurelia2あり)、豆は店名のとおり。

Omotesando Koffee is one of Caffeine Stops in Tokyo.

2. Omotesando Koffee

神宮前4-15-3, 도쿄, 도쿄 도
커피숍 · 神宮前 · 130개의 팁과 리뷰

Charles C.Charles Chen: This has got to be one of the coolest places to get espresso drinks in the world. The old world Japanese building with a one man espresso show & garden make for a unique experience. A must in the area

FUGLEN TOKYO is one of Caffeine Stops in Tokyo.


富ヶ谷1-16-11, 渋谷区, 도쿄 도
카페 · 178개의 팁과 리뷰

sara u.sara u: 食べ物の持ち込みができます。you may bring food from outside.

Streamer Coffee Company is one of Caffeine Stops in Tokyo.

4. Streamer Coffee Company

渋谷1-20-28, 渋谷区, 도쿄 도
커피숍 · 103개의 팁과 리뷰

DanDan: Lattes are enormous, and they'll pull an espresso if you ask. The military latte (white choc/green tea) isn't as horrific as it sounds, but not one for the coffee fans. Power points but no free wifi.

Sarutahiko Coffee is one of Caffeine Stops in Tokyo.

5. Sarutahiko Coffee

恵比寿1-6-6 (斎藤ビル 1F), 도쿄, 도쿄 도
커피숍 · 恵比寿 · 118개의 팁과 리뷰

yayo I.yayo I: 目の前で1杯づつ挽いてドリップしてくれる贅沢。ドリップコーヒー380円。

Be A Good Neighbor Coffee Kiosk is one of Caffeine Stops in Tokyo.

6. Be A Good Neighbor Coffee Kiosk

千駄ヶ谷3-51-6 (トーエイハイツ 1C), 도쿄, 도쿄 도
커피숍 · 千駄ヶ谷 · 43개의 팁과 리뷰

Emanuel A.Emanuel Avermaete: Nice cozy place. My double espresso was prepared with the greatest care ever. These guys take their coffee serious. Very friendly atmosphere. Recommended!

The Cream of the Crop Coffee is one of Caffeine Stops in Tokyo.

7. The Cream of the Crop Coffee

渋谷2-21-1 (渋谷ヒカリエ ShinQs 1F), 渋谷区, 도쿄 도
커피숍 · 24개의 팁과 리뷰

Emily K.Emily K.: If you need some food, go to the basement floors for some pastry or sweets and grab a table here with some coffee. The coffee soft serve is tiny and pricey – but delicious.

COFFEE AMP THE ROASTER is one of Caffeine Stops in Tokyo.


高円寺南2-20-13 (コアビル 102), 杉並区, 도쿄 도
커피숍 · 12개의 팁과 리뷰

nittonitto: Very good house roasted coffee. Try the daily hot coffee at only 380 yen.

PADDLERS COFFEE is one of Caffeine Stops in Tokyo.


代々木4丁目5-13 (レインボービルⅢ 1F Life Son内), 도쿄, 도쿄 도
커피숍 · 初台 · 3개의 팁과 리뷰

June K.June Kim: Stumptown coffee (no espresso currently), nice people, not to be missed!

NOZY COFFEE is one of Caffeine Stops in Tokyo.


下馬2-29-7, 世田谷区, 도쿄 도
커피숍 · 17개의 팁과 리뷰

Brad S.Brad Stephenson: Really nice design! You can even see beans being roasted!

Bear Pond Espresso is one of Caffeine Stops in Tokyo.

11. Bear Pond Espresso

北沢2-36-12, 世田谷区, 도쿄 도
커피숍 · 74개의 팁과 리뷰

Justin N.Justin N: kind of the "soup nazi" of coffee with photos prohibited and espresso only served until 2pm (alas I've never tried still). but hey! the guy knows his coffee and random American sweets available!

Identity COFFEEBAR+GALLERY is one of Caffeine Stops in Tokyo.


神宮前4-28-4 (アレスガーデン表参道1F), 도쿄, 도쿄 도
커피숍 · 神宮前 · 4개의 팁과 리뷰

Alper Ç.Alper Çuğun: Excellent assortment of Intelligentsia and Handsome coffee available here expertly prepared. The people running the place are also very friendly and knowledgeable about the coffee scene.

ON THE CORNER No.8 Bear Pond is one of Caffeine Stops in Tokyo.

13. ON THE CORNER No.8 Bear Pond

渋谷1-17-1 (TOC第2ビル 1F), 渋谷区, 도쿄 도
카페 · 85개의 팁과 리뷰

Mayu A.Mayu Aoki: Free wi-fi, good coffee at the stand, good food. No reason not coming here.

Café Kitsuné is one of Caffeine Stops in Tokyo.

14. Café Kitsuné

南青山3-17-1 (1F), 도쿄, 도쿄 도
카페 · 青山 · 94개의 팁과 리뷰

Alper Ç.Alper Çuğun: Nice fashion store with a garden and coffee bar where you can get great espresso pulled from a Slayer Machine.

Streamer Coffee Company is one of Caffeine Stops in Tokyo.

15. Streamer Coffee Company

神宮前3-28-19 (宮川ビル 1F), 도쿄, 도쿄 도
커피숍 · 原宿 · 20개의 팁과 리뷰

hiroshhirosh: 2階3階は各フロア席数4−5席ですが、あがってみると空いていることも多いのでぜひ!太陽の光あびながらゆっくり飲めます。

AMAMERIA ESPRESSO is one of Caffeine Stops in Tokyo.


小山3-6-15 (パークホームズ武蔵小山 1F), 品川区, 도쿄 도
커피숍 · 武蔵小山 · 13개의 팁과 리뷰
LATTEST Omotesando Espresso Bar is one of Caffeine Stops in Tokyo.

17. LATTEST Omotesando Espresso Bar

神宮前3-5-2 (EFビル 1F), 도쿄, 도쿄 도
커피숍 · 千駄ヶ谷 · 39개의 팁과 리뷰

Luis M.Luis Mendo: Hidden gem. Spacious place w good coffee tucked away in omotesando where you can work and/or relax nicely.

Little Nap COFFEE STAND is one of Caffeine Stops in Tokyo.

18. Little Nap COFFEE STAND

代々木5-65-4, 渋谷区, 도쿄 도
커피숍 · 73개의 팁과 리뷰

Alper Ç.Alper Çuğun: This is a beautiful coffee stand with splendid coffee. The location is a bit out of the way which makes it great to drink your coffee and stare out of the window.

PARKING COFFEE × CACAO WORKS is one of Caffeine Stops in Tokyo.


上目黒 1-10-5 (フィールドストーン 1F), 도쿄, 도쿄 도
커피숍 · 青葉台 · 2개의 팁과 리뷰
Mojo Coffee is one of Caffeine Stops in Tokyo.

20. Mojo Coffee

赤城元町4-11, 도쿄, 도쿄 도
커피숍 · 神楽坂 · 25개의 팁과 리뷰
Ryumon Coffee Stand is one of Caffeine Stops in Tokyo.

21. Ryumon Coffee Stand

吉祥寺南町2-14-9, 무사시노 시, 도쿄 도
커피숍 · 16개의 팁과 리뷰
Espresso Bar Hitinui is one of Caffeine Stops in Tokyo.

22. Espresso Bar Hitinui

恵比寿西 2-17-8 (アイティーオー代官山103), 渋谷区, 도쿄 도
커피숍 · 3개의 팁과 리뷰
Cafe Obscura is one of Caffeine Stops in Tokyo.

23. Cafe Obscura

三軒茶屋1-9-16, 世田谷区, 도쿄 도
카페 · 三軒茶屋 · 20개의 팁과 리뷰
Onibus Coffee is one of Caffeine Stops in Tokyo.

24. Onibus Coffee

奥沢5-1-4 (1F), 世田谷区, 도쿄 도
커피숍 · 19개의 팁과 리뷰
lab.LABAR is one of Caffeine Stops in Tokyo.

25. lab.LABAR

猿楽町29-10 (ヒルサイドテラスC棟18号室), 도쿄, 도쿄 도
커피숍 · 青葉台 · 8개의 팁과 리뷰
Obscura Laboratory is one of Caffeine Stops in Tokyo.

26. Obscura Laboratory

太子堂4-28-9, 世田谷区, 도쿄 도
커피숍 · 10개의 팁과 리뷰