Rodrиго Ривера: It is a fun and modern location by the river. It offers multiple restaurants and cafes, and one can walk along the river. It is a good concept that will please both families and young crowds.
Мария Марголина: Очень красивый действительно открыточный вид на стрелку ВО,Эрмитаж и Дворцовую набережную.Можно делать замечательные снимки круглый год!
Каменноостровский просп., 18/11 (ул. Мира), 상트페테르부르크, Санкт-Петербург
커피숍 · Округ Кронверкское · 118개의 팁과 리뷰
Igor Arkhipov: One of the best local specialty coffee point, if you succeed finding your way into it. Private space is limited, but you get a kind and welcoming atmosphere in return, as well as handmade desserts