NeKiPiSHui: Changing contemporary art and photography exhibitions in several floors, as well as other events. You can also find an interesting little shop here, as well as a cafe/bar/restaurant and a hostel.
Университетская наб., 3, 상트페테르부르크, Санкт-Петербург
과학 박물관 · Округ № 7 · 212개의 팁과 리뷰
NeKiPiSHui: Famous for the collection of disformed fetuses by Peter the Great, but actually has a lot of other interesting anthropological and natural sciences stuff as well.
Пушкинская ул., 10 (Вход с Лиговского пр. 53, под арку), 상트페테르부르크, Санкт-Петербург
미술관 · Владимирский округ · 46개의 팁과 리뷰
NeKiPiSHui: For some underground feel, check out the galleries of independent artists in this complex. You can also find a cafe and a couple of clubs with gigs.
NeKiPiSHui: Some of the performances of the Mariinsky Theatre are not at the theatre itself but in this concert hall a bit further down the street. So check the address!