Must-visit Nightlife Spots in Budapest
nU Bisztronómia Fakultáció is one of Must-visit Nightlife Spots in Budapest.

1. nU Bisztronómia Fakultáció

Eiffel tér (Teréz krt. 55-57.), 부다페스트, 부다페스트
비스트로 · Budapest VI. kerülete · 76개의 팁과 리뷰

Zoltan R.Zoltan Rms: free limonade for your first check-in...relaxed lounge atmosphere with (password-)free wifi (djuice) on Fridays...easy-to-reach, just off-Nyugati at Eiffel Square

Pointer Pub is one of Must-visit Nightlife Spots in Budapest.

2. Pointer Pub

Ráday u. 1-3. (Török Pál u.), 부다페스트, 부다페스트
호프집 · Budapest IX. kerülete · 21개의 팁과 리뷰
Mocco kávézó és étterem is one of Must-visit Nightlife Spots in Budapest.

3. Mocco kávézó és étterem

Pozsonyi út 3. (Budai Nagy Antal u.), 부다페스트, 부다페스트
· Budapest XIII. kerülete · 33개의 팁과 리뷰
Doboz is one of Must-visit Nightlife Spots in Budapest.

4. Doboz

Klauzál u. 10. (Dohány u.), 부다페스트, 부다페스트
나이트클럽 · Zsidónegyed · 90개의 팁과 리뷰
DiVino Borbár is one of Must-visit Nightlife Spots in Budapest.

5. DiVino Borbár

Szent István tér 3., 부다페스트, 부다페스트
와인 바 · Lipótváros · 164개의 팁과 리뷰

Zoltan R.Zoltan Rms: if you are thirsty and over thirty plus you want to splash out on drinks in chinos with high-flyers and wannabe-s, this is your place...not mine, though