Copenhagen by Locals
1105 is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

1. 1105

Kristen Bernikows gade 4, 코펜하겐, Region Hovedstaden
칵테일 바 · Indre By · 50개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Don't miss Cucumber Yum-Yum! 자세히 보기

Ahaaa is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

2. Ahaaa

Blågårdsgade 21, 코펜하겐, Region Hovedstaden
팔라펠 전문점 · Nørrebro · 32개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Forget the ordinary Danish lettuce, you should ask them to put in the Turkish salad with parsley etc. 자세히 보기

Almanak is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

3. Almanak

Havnegade 44, 코펜하겐, Region Hovedstaden
스칸디나비아 음식점 · Indre By · 35개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Do not run away without enjoying a dessert. 자세히 보기

Amager Strandpark is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

4. Amager Strandpark

Amager Strandvej (Amager Strand), 코펜하겐, Region Hovedstaden
해변 · Amager Øst · 41개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Visit this place for a morning stroll! 자세히 보기

Amigo Bar is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

5. Amigo Bar

Schønbergsgade 4, 프레데릭스베르, Region Hovedstaden
· 4개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Come here if you want reasonably priced drinks 자세히 보기

Ark Books is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

6. Ark Books

Møllegade 10, 코펜하겐, Region Hovedstaden
서점 · Elmegades · 3개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Danish Authors books here!(some translated to English) 자세히 보기

Assistens Kirkegård is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

7. Assistens Kirkegård

Kapelvej 4, 코펜하겐, Region Hovedstaden
공동묘지 · Nørrebro · 45개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: The best thing here is the nature 자세히 보기

Bang & Jensen is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

8. Bang & Jensen

Istedgade 130, 코펜하겐, Region Hovedstaden
카페 · Vesterbro - Kongens Enghave · 95개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: There is a pinball machine in the back 자세히 보기

Bastard Café is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

9. Bastard Café

Rådshusstræde 13, 코펜하겐, Region Hovedstaden
PC방 · Indre By · 53개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Play board games of any kind and sort while having a coffee! 자세히 보기

Bertels Salon is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

10. Bertels Salon

Kompagnistræde 5, København K
디저트 가게 · Indre By · 66개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: AMAZING cakes. Cheesecake is the big thing over here. 자세히 보기

Berkeley is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

11. Berkeley

샌드위치 가게 · Indre By · 5개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Top quality sandwiches in this place run by a mom and a daughter 자세히 보기

Botanisk Have is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

12. Botanisk Have

Øster Farimagsgade 2B, 코펜하겐, Region Hovedstaden
식물원 · Indre By · 76개의 팁과 리뷰
The Brass Monkey is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

13. The Brass Monkey

Enghavevej 31, København V, Region Hovedstaden
칵테일 바 · Vesterbro - Kongens Enghave · 29개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Share a Volcano – a big tub of tiki-licious cocktail to share with 4-5 people 자세히 보기

Bryggebroen is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

14. Bryggebroen

Havneholmen - Islands Brygge (over Københavns Havn), København S, Region Hovedstaden
다리 · 11개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: This is where you can put lovelocks in Copenhagen 자세히 보기

Café 22 is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

15. Café 22

Sortedam Dossering 22, København N, Region Hovedstaden
카페 · Nørrebro · 51개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Come here at the Weekend Brunch: SPECTACULAR 자세히 보기

Café Viggo is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

16. Café Viggo

Værnedamsvej 15, Frederiksberg C
호프집 · Værnedamsvej · 21개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: You can get a three course menu for a very reasonable kr. 249. 자세히 보기

Chassis Arcade is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

17. Chassis Arcade

Faksegade 19, kl tv (Nordre Frihavnsgade), København Ø
오락실 · Østerbros · 5개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: A true playground for grown up children. 자세히 보기

Cock's & Cows is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

18. Cock's & Cows

Gammel Strand 34, 코펜하겐, Region Hovedstaden
버거 전문점 · Gammel Strands · 232개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Top burgers and milkshakes... but sit outside on a sunny day. 자세히 보기

Cosy Bar is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

19. Cosy Bar

Studiestræde 24, København K, Region Hovedstaden
게이바 · Indre By · 13개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: A guaranteed party until the morning! 자세히 보기

Den Hirschsprungske Samling is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

20. Den Hirschsprungske Samling

Stockholmsgade 20, København Ø, Region Hovedstaden
미술관 · Østerbros · 6개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Most paintings are of the Skagensmalere movement 자세히 보기

Designmuseum Danmark is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

21. Designmuseum Danmark

Bredgade 68, 코펜하겐, Region Hovedstaden
미술관 · Frederiksstaden · 105개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Visit the permanent collection on 20th century Danish design 자세히 보기

Dessertdragens Kageværksted is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

22. Dessertdragens Kageværksted

Sankt Peders Stræde 26, 코펜하겐, Region Hovedstaden
컵케이크 전문점 · Indre By · 4개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: The Raspberry Cut cake is over the top! 자세히 보기

Det Kongelige Bibliotek - Den Sorte Diamant is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

23. Det Kongelige Bibliotek - Den Sorte Diamant

Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1, København K, Region Hovedstaden
도서관 · Slotsholmen · 74개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Popular place to study in peace. 자세히 보기

DGI-byen is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

24. DGI-byen

Tietgensgade 65, København V, Region Hovedstaden
컨벤션 센터 · Vesterbro - Kongens Enghave · 10개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: You can enjoy a thousand of activities 자세히 보기

Din Nye Ven is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

25. Din Nye Ven

Sankt Peders Stræde 34, 코펜하겐, Region Hovedstaden
카페 · Indre By · 41개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Try the beer with the bar's name! 자세히 보기

Dome of Visions is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

26. Dome of Visions

Søren Kierkegaards Plads, 코펜하겐, Region Hovedstaden
기념비 · Slotsholmen · 6개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Many cultural events happen here 자세히 보기

El Tapeo is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

27. El Tapeo

Peder Hvidtfelts Stræde 15, 코펜하겐, Region Hovedstaden
타파스 전문점 · Indre By · 10개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: The Dates wrapped in ham and roasted in oven- an absolute delicacy! 자세히 보기

Faraos Cigarer is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

28. Faraos Cigarer

Skindergade 27 (Klosterstræde), København K, Region Hovedstaden
만화책 매장 · Indre By · 22개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Antiquarian and collectible comic books and booklets and much more 자세히 보기

Fermentoren is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

29. Fermentoren

Halmtorvet 29, 코펜하겐, Region Hovedstaden
맥주 바 · Vesterbro - Kongens Enghave · 91개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: During the summer there is an outside area with Djs playing! 자세히 보기

Fresh & Fruity is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

31. Fresh & Fruity

Blågårdsgade 21, 코펜하겐, Region Hovedstaden
주스 바 · Østerbros · 2개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Tuna with green pesto and smoked salmon with cream cheese are the recommended ones 자세히 보기

Fælledparkens Skatepark is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

32. Fælledparkens Skatepark

Edel Sauntes Allé, København Ø, Region Hovedstaden
스케이트보드장 · Østerbro · 8개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Street Mecca for skaters 자세히 보기

Gourmandiet is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

33. Gourmandiet

Rosenvængets Allé 7, København Ø, Region Hovedstaden
정육점 · Østerbros · 17개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Butcher store turning into a "restaurant" serving fantastic Danish meat. 자세히 보기

Grand Fromage is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

34. Grand Fromage

Peter Bangs Vej 89, 프레데릭스베르, Region Hovedstaden
치즈 가게 · 1개의 팁

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Don't miss the French cheese Epoisses de Bourgogne. 자세히 보기

Grand Teatret is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

35. Grand Teatret

Mikkel Bryggers Gade 8, København K, Region Hovedstaden
영화관 · Indre By · 27개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: The fact that you can’t get popcorn and only little candies, is not actually a bad thing 자세히 보기

Granola is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

36. Granola

Værnedamsvej 5 (Tullingsgade), 코펜하겐, Region Hovedstaden
카페 · Frederiksberg · 154개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Try own chocolate creme (nutella) and the yoghurt with jam. 자세히 보기

Grundtvigs Kirke is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

37. Grundtvigs Kirke

På Bjerget 14B, 코펜하겐, Region Hovedstaden
교회 · 12개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: This church is an unique piece of architecture! 자세히 보기

Han Kjøbenhavn is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

38. Han Kjøbenhavn

남성복 매장 · Indre By · 8개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Men clothing store with an interesting selection of sunglasses 자세히 보기

Hans Tavsens Park is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

39. Hans Tavsens Park

Hans Tavsens Gade, København N, Region Hovedstaden
공원 · Nørrebro · 6개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: The park’s grill can be used free of charge 자세히 보기

Hanzo is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

40. Hanzo

Sortedams Dossering 5, 코펜하겐, Region Hovedstaden
아시아 음식점 · Nørrebro · 7개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Try the “Hanzō Experience” of 13 different dishes served for the table, family style. 자세히 보기

Hot Kotyre is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

41. Hot Kotyre

Nørrebrogade 76 (Meinungsgade), København N, Region Hovedstaden
골동품 가게 · Nørrebro · 1개의 팁

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Buy any kind of lamps here! 자세히 보기

Huset-KBH is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

42. Huset-KBH

Rådhusstræde 13 (Magstræde 14), København K, Region Hovedstaden
음악 베뉴 · Indre By · 19개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Overwhelming number of events. Check if there's something for you! 자세히 보기

Jazzhouse is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

43. Jazzhouse

Niels Hemmingsens Gade 10, København K, Region Hovedstaden
재즈 및 블루스 베뉴 · Indre By · 11개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: It’s the place to go in Copenhagen, especially for contemporary jazz acts 자세히 보기

Jazzhus Montmartre is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

44. Jazzhus Montmartre

Store Regnegade 19A, 코펜하겐, Region Hovedstaden
재즈 및 블루스 베뉴 · Indre By · 8개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: When open the restaurant is amazing 자세히 보기

Jolene Bar is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

45. Jolene Bar

Flæsketorvet 81-85, 코펜하겐, Region Hovedstaden
· Vesterbro - Kongens Enghave · 24개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: There’s no entrance fee and the bar has fair prices. 자세히 보기

Jernbanecafeen is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

46. Jernbanecafeen

Reventlowsgade 16, 코펜하겐, Region Hovedstaden
동네 주점 · Vesterbro - Kongens Enghave · 22개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Ask for a “discount card” at the bar and get a “stamp” for every beer you buy 자세히 보기

Juul's Vin og Spiritus is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

47. Juul's Vin og Spiritus

Værnedamsvej 15, 프레데릭스베르, Region Hovedstaden
와인 판매점 · 18개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Ask to take a look downstairs in there showroom 자세히 보기

Kaffehuset 183 is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

48. Kaffehuset 183

Nørrebrogade 183
커피숍 · Nørrebro · 9개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: True attractions are the cakes 자세히 보기

Kaffeslabberas'en is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

49. Kaffeslabberas'en

Enghave Plads 11, København V
카페 · Vesterbro - Kongens Enghave · 31개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: When you need a relaxing atmosphere this is the right place 자세히 보기

Kalaset is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

50. Kalaset

Vendersgade 16, København K, Region Hovedstaden
카페 · Ørsteds · 132개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Probably the best pancakes in the city 자세히 보기

Kanal Caféen is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

51. Kanal Caféen

Frederiksholms Kanal 18, København K, Region Hovedstaden
스칸디나비아 음식점 · Indre By · 21개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Danish food with an excellent balance between tradition and ingredients. 자세히 보기

Kastellet is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

52. Kastellet

Kastellet 68, 코펜하겐, Region Hovedstaden
유적지 및 보호 구역 · Kastellets · 59개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Why not having a picnic here? 자세히 보기

Kastrup Søbad is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

53. Kastrup Søbad

Amager Strandvej 301, Kastrup, Region Hovedstaden
워터 파크 · 3개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Sit around with a beer and enjoy the place 자세히 보기

Kates Joint is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

54. Kates Joint

Blågårdsgade 12, København N, Region Hovedstaden
케이준 및 크리올 전문점 · Blågårds · 12개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: When you are 4+ ask for a sample menu for sharing and let the kitchen decide. 자세히 보기

Kihoskh is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

55. Kihoskh

Sønder Boulevard 53, 코펜하겐, Region Hovedstaden
비어스토어 · Vesterbro - Kongens Enghave · 65개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: You can buy many interesting things 자세히 보기

Københavns Hovedbibliotek is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

56. Københavns Hovedbibliotek

Krystalgade 15, København K, Region Hovedstaden
도서관 · Indre By · 33개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Democratic café is the place for coffee 자세히 보기

Kødboderne 18 (KB18) is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

57. Kødboderne 18 (KB18)

Kødboderne 18, København V, Region Hovedstaden
록 클럽 · Vesterbro - Kongens Enghave · 11개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: People come here for is the awesome music. 자세히 보기

Kronborggade 3 is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

58. Kronborggade 3

Kronborggade 3, 코펜하겐, Region Hovedstaden
동네 주점 · Nørrebro · 9개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Smoking permitted – but not a requirement 자세히 보기

KUA, Københavns Universitet, Det Humanistiske Fakultet is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

59. KUA, Københavns Universitet, Det Humanistiske Fakultet

Njalsgade 80-128, København S, Region Hovedstaden
대학교 · Amagerbro · 9개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Enjoy the campus atmosphere even if you are not a student. 자세히 보기

Kærlighedsøen is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

60. Kærlighedsøen

Vejlands Allé (Ørestads Boulevard), 코펜하겐, Region Hovedstaden
야외 조각작품 · 3개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: You are standing in the city and in the middle of nature at the same time. 자세히 보기

L'Education Nationale is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

61. L'Education Nationale

Larsbjørnsstræde 12, København K, Region Hovedstaden
프랑스 음식점 · Indre By · 29개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: They usually have Plateau de Fruits de Mer as a special on Saturdays. 자세히 보기

La Galette is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

62. La Galette

Larsbjørnsstræde 9, København K, Region Hovedstaden
크레이프 · Indre By · 22개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Go for goat cheese and spinach pancakes. 자세히 보기

LêLê is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

63. LêLê

Vesterbrogade 40, København K, Region Hovedstaden
베트남 음식점 · Vesterbro - Kongens Enghave · 63개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Simple answer: Vietnamese Spring rolls 자세히 보기

Loppen is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

64. Loppen

Sydområde 4B (Christiania), København K, Region Hovedstaden
음악 베뉴 · Ulriks · 13개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Very possible to find some great underground music 자세히 보기

Lygten Station is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

65. Lygten Station

Lygten 2, 코펜하겐, Region Hovedstaden
콘서트 홀 · 3개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Cheap beers, an international crowd  자세히 보기

Lygtens Kro is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

66. Lygtens Kro

Lygten 29, 코펜하겐, Region Hovedstaden
델리 · 7개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Go there and see if there is any local rock band playing! 자세히 보기

The Mad Hatter Bubble Tea Emporium is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

67. The Mad Hatter Bubble Tea Emporium

København N
찻집 · Nørrebro · 5개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Have a delicious, refreshing bubble tea 자세히 보기

Madglad Cafeteria is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

68. Madglad Cafeteria

Eskildsgade 13, 코펜하겐, Region Hovedstaden
음식점 · Vesterbro - Kongens Enghave · 6개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Lunch or Dinner buffe it’s really cheap 자세히 보기

MakkeKafe is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

69. MakkeKafe

Nybrogade 20, 코펜하겐, Region Hovedstaden
카페 · Indre By · 11개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Italian coffee made by Italians here! 자세히 보기

Malbeck Vinbar is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

70. Malbeck Vinbar

Istedgade 61, København V, Region Hovedstaden
와인 바 · Vesterbro - Kongens Enghave · 31개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Try the wine tastings every first friday of the month. Very cheap! 자세히 보기

MASH is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

71. MASH

Bredgade 20, 코펜하겐, Region Hovedstaden
스테이크 전문점 · Nyhavns · 103개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: There is no doubt that this is the place to go for steak! 자세히 보기

McKluud is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

72. McKluud

Istedgade 126 (Oehlenschlägersgade), København V
동네 주점 · Vesterbro - Kongens Enghave · 19개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Always buy Odense Pilsner in this place... always! 자세히 보기

Mother is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

73. Mother

Høkerboderne 9-15, 코펜하겐, Region Hovedstaden
이탈리아 음식점 · Vesterbro - Kongens Enghave · 314개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Go for Arancini(if they are on the menu),pizza and tiramisu'! Buon Appetito! 자세히 보기

The Moose is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

74. The Moose

Sværtegade 5, København K, Region Hovedstaden
동네 주점 · Indre By · 30개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Cheap beers before 9pm!!! 자세히 보기

Neighbourhood is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

75. Neighbourhood

Istedgade 27, 코펜하겐, Region Hovedstaden
피자 가게 · Vesterbro - Kongens Enghave · 43개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Match your delicious organic pizza with amazing cocktails! 자세히 보기

Nikolaj Kunsthal is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

76. Nikolaj Kunsthal

Nikolaj Plads 10, København K, Region Hovedstaden
미술관 · Indre By · 12개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Exhibitions are free on Wednesdays! 자세히 보기

Nordskovs Spisestue is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

77. Nordskovs Spisestue

Nørrebrogade 59 (Solitudevej), København N
스칸디나비아 음식점 · Nørrebro · 10개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: The daily special is always a classic Danish dish. 자세히 보기

odinsgade is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

78. odinsgade

기타 야외활동 · Nørrebro · 2개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: A mural called "The Great Escape" worths the visit 자세히 보기

Ørsted Ølbar is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

79. Ørsted Ølbar

Nørre Farimagsgade 13 (Turesensgade), København K, Region Hovedstaden
맥주 바 · Indre By · 84개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Make sure to ask a lot - because the bartenders knows a lot. 자세히 보기

Palæ Bar is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

80. Palæ Bar

Ny Adelgade 5, København K, Region Hovedstaden
· Indre By · 22개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Get to know what is a Bodega! 자세히 보기

Parterre Christianshavn is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

81. Parterre Christianshavn

Overgaden Oven Vandet 90, 코펜하겐, Region Hovedstaden
카페 · Christianshavn · 40개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: They serve a delicious and filling breakfast here! 자세히 보기

Paustian is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

82. Paustian

Kalkbrænderiløbskaj 2, København Ø, Region Hovedstaden
가구점 · Nordhavn · 4개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Get inspired from danish designers 자세히 보기

PRAG Nørrebro is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

83. PRAG Nørrebro

Nørrebrogade 45, 코펜하겐, Region Hovedstaden
빈티지 및 중고품 판매점 · Nørrebro · 3개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: They have everything to make your outfit amazing! 자세히 보기

Props Coffee Shop is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

84. Props Coffee Shop

Blågårdsgade 5 (Nørrebrogade), København N, Region Hovedstaden
카페 · Nørrebro · 22개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: You can also play board games here! 자세히 보기

Route 66 is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

85. Route 66

Fælledvej 3, København N, Region Hovedstaden
음반 가게 · Nørrebro · 9개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Go to the basement floor when you are looking for second-hand vinyls 자세히 보기

Soundtrack Café is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

86. Soundtrack Café

Baldersgade 65 (Balders Plads), København N, Region Hovedstaden
카페 · Balders · 29개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Don’t despair if the front room looks full: there are a couple of tables in the kitchen area too. 자세히 보기

Sabotøren is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

87. Sabotøren

Fensmarksgade 27, 코펜하겐, Region Hovedstaden
와인 바 · Guldbergs · 8개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: They serve organic wine reasonably priced! 자세히 보기

Salon 39 is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

88. Salon 39

Vodroffsvej 39 (Danas vej), 프레데릭스베르, Region Hovedstaden
칵테일 바 · 63개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: If you´re in need of cocktails of the best quality. 자세히 보기

Sankt Hans Torv is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

89. Sankt Hans Torv

Sankt Hans Torv (a.k.a. Thomas Helmigs Plads), København N, Region Hovedstaden
광장 · Nørrebro · 11개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Youngsters and hip people love this square 자세히 보기

Restaurant Schønnemann is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

90. Restaurant Schønnemann

Hauser Plads 16, København K, Region Hovedstaden
스칸디나비아 음식점 · Indre By · 59개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals:  It is almost impossible to get a table on short notice, so make sure to book in advance! 자세히 보기

Skuespilhuset is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

91. Skuespilhuset

Sankt Annæ Plads 36 (Det Kongelige Teater), København K, Region Hovedstaden
극장 · Nyhavns · 26개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Perfect place to enjoy the sunset 자세히 보기

Strøm is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

92. Strøm

Niels Hemmingsens Gade 32, København K, Region Hovedstaden
칵테일 바 · Indre By · 30개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Weekly Tobacco Club on Tuesdays. Expect quality cigars and delicious cocktails! 자세히 보기

Supermarco is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

93. Supermarco

Støbegodsvej 1, København SV, Region Hovedstaden
식료품점 · Sydhavnens · 19개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Buy here your fresh and original italian ingredients! 자세히 보기

Sønder Boulevard Legeplads is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

94. Sønder Boulevard Legeplads

sønder boulevard, 코펜하겐, Region Hovedstaden
운동장 · Vesterbro - Kongens Enghave · 2개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Come here to play sports with locals 자세히 보기

Taverna Kreta is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

95. Taverna Kreta

Jagtvej 59, København N, Region Hovedstaden
그리스 음식점 · Nørrebro · 6개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Very popular greek restaurant, that's why booking a table is good idea 자세히 보기

The Bird & The Churchkey is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

96. The Bird & The Churchkey

Gammel Strand 44, 코펜하겐, Region Hovedstaden
칵테일 바 · Gammel Strands · 25개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: One of the most recommended g&t is the Monkey 47 자세히 보기

Coffee Collective is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

97. Coffee Collective

Jægersborggade 57 (Stefansgade), København N, Region Hovedstaden
커피숍 · Nørrebro · 126개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Enjoy a well made cappuccino while charing your device with their free power outlets 자세히 보기

The D Diner is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

98. The D Diner

Gammel Jernbanevej 1, Valby, Region Hovedstaden
아메리칸 다이너 · 12개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Milkshake, Elvis banana/peanutbutter sandwich and pancakes for dessert - that should do it! 자세히 보기

The Living Room is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

99. The Living Room

Larsbjørnsstræde 17 (Studiestræde), 코펜하겐, Region Hovedstaden
카페 · Indre By · 168개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Put your feet up downstairs in the back "indie" room 자세히 보기

The Log Lady is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

100. The Log Lady

Studiestræde 27, København K, Region Hovedstaden
· Indre By · 24개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Lovely bar inspired from Twin Peaks. All drinks are double-up 자세히 보기

The Shamrock Inn - Irish Craft Beer Bar is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

101. The Shamrock Inn - Irish Craft Beer Bar

Jernbanegade 7, 코펜하겐, Region Hovedstaden
호프집 · Indre By · 14개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: There is also a selection of bottled beers from the microbreweries of Dublin 자세히 보기

The Union Kitchen is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

102. The Union Kitchen

Store Standstræde 21 (Nyhavn), København K
아침식사 식당 · Nyhavns · 135개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Meatballs for everyone – beef, pork, chicken, veggie or a joker-ball of the day. 자세히 보기

Tommi's Burger Joint is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

103. Tommi's Burger Joint

Høkerboderne 23, 코펜하겐, Region Hovedstaden
버거 전문점 · Vesterbro - Kongens Enghave · 117개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Be sure to try the Icelandic cocktail sauce on your fries. 자세히 보기

Tutten is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

104. Tutten

Kløvermarksvej 50, 코펜하겐, Region Hovedstaden
· Amager Øst · 1개의 팁

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: A Danish experience while having your Smørrebrød 자세히 보기

Tømmergravsgade Graffitimuren is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

105. Tømmergravsgade Graffitimuren

Enghave Brygge, 코펜하겐, Region Hovedstaden
기타 야외활동 · Fisketorvets · 2개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Be impressed by the variety of street-art here 자세히 보기

Tuborgflasken is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

106. Tuborgflasken

전망대 · Ryvangens · 2개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: You can’t officially enter inside but.... 자세히 보기

Utterslev Mose is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

107. Utterslev Mose

코펜하겐, Region Hovedstaden
공원 · Brønshøj - Husum · 14개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Well suited area for outdoor sports activities 자세히 보기

Valbyparken is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

108. Valbyparken

Valbyparken, København SV, Region Hovedstaden
공원 · Valby · 10개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Go for the small gardens around the park. 자세히 보기

VEGA is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

109. VEGA

Enghavevej 40, København V, Region Hovedstaden
음악 베뉴 · Vesterbro - Kongens Enghave · 26개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Party on the stairs. Always a chance to meet new interesting people. 자세히 보기

Vibes Apotek is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

110. Vibes Apotek

Ydunsgade 5, København N, Region Hovedstaden
칵테일 바 · Rådmands · 5개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Discover the house specialities 자세히 보기

Vester Vov Vov is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

111. Vester Vov Vov

Absalonsgade 5, 코펜하겐, Region Hovedstaden
독립 영화관 · Vesterbro - Kongens Enghave · 9개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Good, old cinema atmosphere! 자세히 보기

Vildglad is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

112. Vildglad

아이스크림 가게 · Blågårds · 4개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Ice-Cream made with fresh ingredients of the highest quality! 자세히 보기

Vinothek Marquart is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

113. Vinothek Marquart

와인 양조장 · 1개의 팁

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Different Austrian wines everyday! 자세히 보기

Voldene på Christianshavn is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

114. Voldene på Christianshavn

코펜하겐, Region Hovedstaden
유적지 및 보호 구역 · Ulriks · 1개의 팁

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Clear your mind here! 자세히 보기

Von Fressen is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

115. Von Fressen

Vesterbrogade 124 (Sundevedsgade), København V, Region Hovedstaden
· Vesterbro - Kongens Enghave · 54개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: They’re open till 04:00 on weekends 자세히 보기

Wasteland is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

116. Wasteland

Studiestræde 19
빈티지 및 중고품 판매점 · Indre By · 6개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Inspiring and nostalgic vintage store! 자세히 보기

Wok On is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

117. Wok On

Højbro Plads
아시아 음식점 · Indre By · 16개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Try teriyaki and tofu! 자세히 보기

Wulff & Konstali is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

118. Wulff & Konstali

Isafjordsgade 10 (Gunløgsgade), København S, Region Hovedstaden
빵집 · 38개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Delicious sandwiches 자세히 보기

Ørsted Ølbar is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

119. Ørsted Ølbar

Nørre Farimagsgade 13 (Turesensgade), København K, Region Hovedstaden
맥주 바 · Indre By · 84개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: One of the city’s greatest all-round selections of beer. Ørsted Ølbar will be closed for renovation in July! Visit sister bar “Søernes Ølbar” at Sortedams Dossering instead. 자세히 보기

Østerlandsk Thehus is one of Copenhagen by Locals.

120. Østerlandsk Thehus

Nørre Voldgade 9, København K, Region Hovedstaden
찻집 · Indre By · 6개의 팁과 리뷰

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Often you can enjoy a taster of a tea selection 자세히 보기