Best Vegan Spots in Norfolk, VA
Red Dog Saloon is one of Best Vegan Spots in Norfolk, VA.

1. Red Dog Saloon

1421 Colley Ave (at Shirley Ave), 노퍽, VA
· Ghent · 25개의 팁과 리뷰

PETA M.PETA Manager: Vegan pizza by the slice! It's delicious and the slices are HUGE!

San Antonio Sam's is one of Best Vegan Spots in Norfolk, VA.

2. San Antonio Sam's

1501 Colley Ave (at Shirley Ave), 노퍽, VA
· Ghent · 14개의 팁과 리뷰

PETA M.PETA Manager: Can't go wrong with a veggie burger and guacamole :)

Yorgo's Bageldashery is one of Best Vegan Spots in Norfolk, VA.

3. Yorgo's Bageldashery

2123 Colonial Ave (West 22nd St.), 노퍽, VA
베이글 전문점 · West 21st Street · 48개의 팁과 리뷰

PETA M.PETA Manager: Best vegan breakfast bagels!

Kotobuki Sushi Bar is one of Best Vegan Spots in Norfolk, VA.

4. Kotobuki Sushi Bar

721 W 21st St, 노퍽, VA
스시 전문점 · West 21st Street · 17개의 팁과 리뷰
Bella Pizzeria is one of Best Vegan Spots in Norfolk, VA.

5. Bella Pizzeria

1308 Colley Ave, 노퍽, VA
피자 가게 · Ghent · 10개의 팁과 리뷰

PETA M.PETA Manager: Vegan pizza with Daiya cheese!