Route 66 Restaurant

Route 66 Restaurant

미국 음식점$$$$
Bar Harbor
  • Tips
    Jennifer R.
    "Caesar salad (샐러드) is pretty good!"(Tips 2개)
    A.P. Blake
    "Can't go wrong with the Blue Moon burger (햄버거) and a chocolate shake."(Tips 2개)
팁 및 리뷰 아이콘8 팁 및 리뷰
  • 블루베리
  • 조개
  • 샐러드
  • 샌드위치
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  • 인기있는
  • 최근
  • Becca
    Becca9월 19, 2017
    Restaurant is set back off the street (look for the sign to head down the alley); worth popping in to see the 1950s memorabilia and portions of the old church that were repurposed in the structure.
  • Amanda M.사용자 이미지의 하트 아이콘
    Amanda Mitchell5월 16, 2023
    Short Dinner has all the good stuff --lobster, fries, clam chowder, and blueberry pie. Burgers are good. Seafood pizza and seafood pie were rich and luscious.
  • Chase K.사용자 이미지의 하트 아이콘
    Chase Klingaman8월 31, 2015
    The shakes were very good and my pulled pork sandwich was delicious. The vintage items decorating the restaurant were pretty cool.
  • Arseny P.사용자 이미지의 하트 아이콘
    Arseny Pogosyan12월 21, 2014
    Great opportunity to see, what was the real life across the legendary Route 66. For russians: Очень рекомендую, обстановка класс!
  • A.P. Blake
    A.P. Blake9월 2, 2013
    Can't go wrong with the Blue Moon burger and a chocolate shake. The fries, however... eh, not so great.
  • Alex L.
    Alex L5월 2, 2013
    Wasn't impressed. No house salad dressings. Chicken parm had minimal seasoning. The cheeseburger was bland. Bottom line- good for a family with kids. If you're with a significant other go elsewhere.
  • Yves B.사용자 이미지의 하트 아이콘
    Yves Becotte9월 7, 2019
    Chowder wow and rib
  • Jennifer R.
    Jennifer Robidoux7월 5, 2010
    Caesar salad is pretty good!
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