Time To Eat...You Wna Go?
Pappy's Smokehouse is one of Time To Eat...You Wna Go?.

1. Pappy's Smokehouse

3106 Olive St (btwn N Compton & N Ewing Ave), 세인트루이스, MO
바비큐 전문점 · Midtown · 283개의 팁과 리뷰

DJ D.DJ DB1: Everyone who's eaten there keeps talking about it

Ted Drewes Frozen Custard is one of Time To Eat...You Wna Go?.

2. Ted Drewes Frozen Custard

6726 Chippewa St (at Prather Ave), 세인트루이스, MO
아이스크림 가게 · St. Louis Hills · 255개의 팁과 리뷰

DJ D.DJ DB1: I know it's probably a sin I've lived in this area and never had Ted Drews, but I will...well as soon as their open again lol.

Half & Half is one of Time To Eat...You Wna Go?.

3. Half & Half

8135 Maryland Ave (btwn Forsythe Blvd & Brentwood Blvd), 세인트루이스, MO
아침식사 식당 · 78개의 팁과 리뷰

DJ D.DJ DB1: This place is only open till 2pm weekdays, but I'm dying to try their fried egg sandwich. http://halfandhalfstl.com/menus

4. Dave & Tony's Premium Burger Joint

12766 Olive Blvd (at Mason Rd), Creve Coeur, MO
버거 전문점 · 37개의 팁과 리뷰

DJ D.DJ DB1: Everyone knows I love a good burger. Time to give this place a try!

Three Sixty Rooftop Bar is one of Time To Eat...You Wna Go?.

5. Three Sixty Rooftop Bar

1 S Broadway (Hilton St. Louis at the Ballpark), 세인트루이스, MO
호텔 바 · Downtown East · 93개의 팁과 리뷰

DJ D.DJ DB1: Yes I know it says cocktail bar, but I hear their food is good too. Plus the view looks awesome so I think it's a must see.

Bogart's Smokehouse is one of Time To Eat...You Wna Go?.

6. Bogart's Smokehouse

1627 S 9th St (at Lafayette Ave.), 세인트루이스, MO
바비큐 전문점 · Soulard · 107개의 팁과 리뷰

DJ D.DJ DB1: Mmm...more BBQ. Bogart’s pit master Skip Steele is a former winner of Memphis in May’s World Championship Barbecue Cooking Contest...nuff said.

The Tavern Kitchen & Bar is one of Time To Eat...You Wna Go?.

7. The Tavern Kitchen & Bar

2961 Dougherty Ferry Rd Ste 101, 세인트루이스, MO
미국 음식점 · 28개의 팁과 리뷰

DJ D.DJ DB1: This place got restaurant of the year 2011 and I personally heard good things.

Peel Wood Fired Pizza is one of Time To Eat...You Wna Go?.

8. Peel Wood Fired Pizza

Park at Plum Creek (921 South Arbor Vitae), Edwardsville, IL
피자 가게 · 57개의 팁과 리뷰

DJ D.DJ DB1: The name says it all. Wood fired pizzas...have to try it. This place is with in 15 min of me. Why I haven't tried it yet is besides me.

Fozzie's Sandwich Emporium is one of Time To Eat...You Wna Go?.

9. Fozzie's Sandwich Emporium

1170 S Big Bend Blvd (at Wise Ave.), Richmond Heights, MO
샌드위치 가게 · 84개의 팁과 리뷰

DJ D.DJ DB1: Who doesn't love sandwiches?

10. Sweetie Pie's

4270 Manchester Ave, 세인트루이스, MO
남부 요리 전문점 · Forest Park Southeast · 85개의 팁과 리뷰

DJ D.DJ DB1: My mouth is watering just thinking about this lace...and that's before I've even eaten there!