Sunshine Marine Lodge

Sunshine Marine Lodge

호텔, 음식점다이빙장
  • Tips
    Sanne B.
    "😍 Sea view is only worth it when you book (책) the biggest room."(Tips 4개)
    Szymon G.
    "Windy microclimate with lowest temperature on the Island (섬)."(Tips 2개)
    "very friendly (친절함) staff, solid equipment at the dive point."(Tips 3개)
    Elena P.
    "mass tourism beaches (해변) of the island."(Tips 2개)
팁 및 리뷰 아이콘7 팁 및 리뷰
  • 수영장
  • 친절함
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  • Sanne B.사용자 이미지의 하트 아이콘
    Sanne Bijhouwer9월 16, 2017
    This lodge just felt like home, we kept on booking extra nights! Advice: book the upstairs garden view room. 😍 Sea view is only worth it when you book the biggest room. The hotel has a private beach.
  • Elena P.사용자 이미지의 하트 아이콘
    Elena P.8월 9, 2014
    5회 이상 방문함
    Remote location, still pure and wild far from the mass tourism beaches of the island. Marvellous view of Mnemba Atoll, comfortable, wide and colorful rooms, big pool, restaurant with amazing view.
  • Szymon G.
    Szymon G1월 10, 2014
    Great place to rest. Spectacular views. Windy microclimate with lowest temperature on the Island. Friendly and helpful staff. Highly recommended.
  • Manuel사용자 이미지의 하트 아이콘
    Manuel7월 18, 2014
    5회 이상 방문함
    very friendly staff, solid equipment at the dive point. delicious food in the atmospheric restaurant with sea view.
  • Thomas J.사용자 이미지의 하트 아이콘
    Thomas Jaarsma4월 24, 2018
    No mass tourism here, friendly and helping staff. Heaven on earth?
  • Maskat A.사용자 이미지의 하트 아이콘
    Maskat Abdullah7월 21, 2013
    5회 이상 방문함
    Book a transfer with the company. To avoid getting lost. :)
  • Dhruv B.
    Dhruv B10월 7, 2017
    Stay here in Matemwe
사진46 사진