The Winery

The Winery

와인 판매점
Central Harlem, 뉴욕
  • Tips
    Stay Uptown
    "... NYC. The shop is user friendly (친절함) and beautiful to browse in carrying small..."(Tips 3개)
팁 및 리뷰 아이콘14 팁 및 리뷰
사용자 아이콘
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  • 인기있는
  • 최근
  • Stay Uptown
    Stay Uptown1월 21, 2012
    The Winery has the most well informed and approachable staff in NYC. The shop is user friendly and beautiful to browse in carrying small batch wines. We say start a conversation. You won't regret it.
  • Ashley B.
    Ashley Blackmon12월 30, 2013
    I got the perfect pairing for a lobster/steak combo! This guy is very knowledgeable about his inventory, a bonus is it's black managed and part of the Jado Sushi franchise.
  • Ro
    Ro1월 6, 2013
    Helpful description cards on most all of the wines. 20% off for your first check-in. (Unfortunately I checked in after I paid.) They also wrap the wine when u ask. Ask!
  • Harlem A.
    Harlem Ambassador2월 7, 2013
    Locals in the know frequent here and the decor suggests that they take wine seriously. Tastings are common. Carding someone with gray hair is uncommon...just to be on the mailing list. A bit high end.
  • Naomi T.사용자 이미지의 하트 아이콘
    Naomi Tolson9월 22, 2014
    5회 이상 방문함
    Very friendly and knowledgeable staff, welcoming interior, and great selection. Will definitely be back!
  • HarlemGal -.
    HarlemGal -Inc5월 8, 2010
    Need a bottle of wine when your in Central/West Harlem, The Winery can help. I always buy their various Malbec options. Love Argentina&their wines. Plus The Winery is right by the B/C line 116th stop! 자세히 보기
  • Joshua B.사용자 이미지의 하트 아이콘
    Joshua Boggs9월 2, 2018
    Great selection and super knowledgeable staff
  • Doodle H.사용자 이미지의 하트 아이콘
    Doodle Hedz10월 19, 2013
    The guys could not be more friendly or helpful. And there's nothing like supporting local business either.
  • Prettyface P.
    Prettyface Princess8월 21, 2011
    their wine tastings on Fridays are very nice and enjoyable.
  • Charlie C.사용자 이미지의 하트 아이콘
    Charlie Chill5월 18, 2013
    The BEST wine spot in Harlem
  • Nobu O.
    Nobu Otsu7월 15, 2011
    Join us for a Free Friday Tasting from 6-8 pm and get a deep discount.
  • AminaZena
    AminaZena2월 10, 2012
    Great prices great wine!
  • Maryann D.
    Maryann Durmer2월 9, 2010
    Great selection and they'll teach you all you need to know about wine.
  • Julie A.
    Julie Avra6월 28, 2017
    Fancy wine shop
사진36 사진