Chinese dim sum
A-Pou's Taste is one of Chinese dim sum.

1. A-Pou's Taste

Liberty and Broadway, 뉴욕, NY
푸드트럭 · Financial District · 9개의 팁과 리뷰

Real Cheap EatsReal Cheap Eats: Check out the Taiwanese dumplings. ($6) "The beef, pork and chicken dumplings here are longer and skinnier than the variety normally found at the five-for-$1 shops in Chinatown, but no less tasty." 자세히 보기

Hua Ji Pork Chop Fast Food is one of Chinese dim sum.

2. Hua Ji Pork Chop Fast Food

7 Allen St (btwn Canal & Division St), 뉴욕, NY
중국 음식점 · Chinatown · 12개의 팁과 리뷰