This is where the famous Abbey Road album cover of zebra crossing was shot, and where The Beatles recorded music. Find it at Abbey Rd, St. John's Wood, just a short walk from St. John's Wood station.
Cross the famous crossing but be careful as cars will not stop for you!go on the abbeyroads website to catch yourself on webcam, just remember what time you crossed it! A landmark for music lovers!
Hay una cámara que registra las 24hs. los movimientos, vale decir que podes buscarte en internet en el momento en el que llegaste y sacaste la foto. OJO,que queda colgado en la web por tiempo limitado
La tienda de souvenirs es increíble, si lo que buscas es una foto, prepárate para esperar ya que es un lugar concurrido y con bastante tráfico para tomar un foto
Sim é a rua dos Beatlos!! É super engraçado e divertido pq vc não pode parar no meio da rua que os ingleses ficam bravos!! Obs.: É um pontocheio de Brasileiros!!
You can always risk death by getting your photo taken on the zebra crossing but, more importantly, this is where sessions are recorded for Dan P Carter and the BBC Radio 1 Rock Show.
Don't try to cross the road ... locals get fed up. Do hang around and enjoy watching tourists try to do it and the taxis that threaten to run them down.
"Because the wind is high it blows my mind, because the wind is high".Il 26 settembre 1969, usciva Abbey Road dei Beatles, a detta di molti, il loro miglior disco.
Hier ben ik echt geweest.. Ook op blote voeten! Echt een aanrader. Dit is echt leuk.... Je moet wel de geschiedenis kennen. Maar dat lukt voor een groot aantal mensen wel.