You get a lot for the expensive membership. Nothing extra for classes or rock climbing. Great locker room and showers. Indoor and outdoor pool. Food from the cafe is expensive too but great quality
Hop on one of the elliptical machines w/ power blocks. Use Quick Start and do single lap in 2 min. Hop off and do 1 min w/weights (squat arm curls, lunge w/ press, burpees w/press, etc. do 10 laps
Take Zumba with Hetty and Vinyasa Flow Yoga with Sheryl. They are the BEST instructors, give you a KILLER workout, and make you have fun during your workout! I take their classes every week!
If you are new or looking for an advisor look no further than Nick D. He will make the sign up process easy and can refer you to an excellent personal trainer.
This is a great gym. Been going to it for almost 2 years now! Membership goes month to month with no long term commitments, no hidden fees. A little pricey but defiitely worth it
The health and safety of our members, team members, and the community... are our top priority. Therefore, consistent with State and CDC guidelines, the majority of the club will remain temporarily closed but we are able to reopen the outdoor pools. The pools will be available for lap swimming, famil...(더 보기)