Una buena cerveza inglesa, junto a una mesa con vistas a un canal, en medio de un barrio gótico junto al mercado mas conocido de Candem Town. Excelente..
One of the bar staff is tots HOT. She's turkish... And if she sees this... Hi again... I'd like to take you out for a few drinks or something to eat... ;)
Absolutely oozing non-atmosphere and countercharm, this is definitely a bar of last resort. Unless you want bar staff more interested in mopping than serving. The balcony level just about saves it.
Holly crap worst staff on the planet!!!! If its sunny sit outside and sneak in your own booze they will never notice because they are asleep anyways :)
Worst. staff. ever. Stevie Wonder and Rain Man's lovechild would do a better job working the bar. Seriously, cut the words out of a Mr Men book so you have something to help them understand your order