카테고리 아이콘

Restoran Yum Yum

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팁 및 리뷰 아이콘4 팁 및 리뷰
사용자 아이콘
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  • 인기있는
  • 최근
  • Mike C.사용자 이미지의 하트 아이콘
    Mike Carmona9월 8, 2016
    Pandan chicken and kankong belacan! 😋 One of the best resto in Ipoh. 👍
  • Ho O.
    Ho Ooi2월 26, 2017
    CNY2017-Order sets.I &few people did not enjoy. Could be flavour is not robust enough or cny? However a few people did like it. So you have to try it urself. But me 1 time is enough,not amazingly good
  • Chee Seng T.
    Chee Seng Teh5월 1, 2014
    Generous serving of petai but today, I thought the dish was not so good. The squid a little bit tough, and not salty / spicy enough.
  • Mike C.사용자 이미지의 하트 아이콘
    Mike Carmona9월 8, 2016
    Lady finger with a great topping! 😀
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