Harbord Room hasterrific service. In the place of flamboyance it values simplicity and masters delicious food in an undeniably welcoming environment. Read more: http://bit.ly/Harbord_Room
Best seafood dishes in the city, also, very unique veg and dessert. Dave mixes sexy cocktails and the desserts are unreal. Probably my favorite place for a special meal. Great playlist. Oh burger OMG.
Our favorite place with amazing food but you have to be lucky to get the table if you don't have a res-tion.Lm willing to make a res. and they never called back.
Soft shell crab tacos w smoked plantain avocado and salsa. Roast chicken w smokey peanut mole red chili tamale tomatillo. Negroni w special sweet vermouth, antica formula makes it delicious.
It can be a hit or miss. The burger is pretty good but the flat steak is the worst I've ever eaten. Took my friend and wife for her birthday and we ordered the flat steak and it was so tough.